Posts with term Colgate X

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此次活动是由泰瑞环保与我们共同合作,发起的一个免费回收任何口腔护理产品包装的活动。活动旨在共同支持并参与由高露洁棕榄(中国)有限公司赞助的口腔护理用品废弃物(含包装)回收循环利用活动,并在此过程中向参与的师生宣传并提高其垃圾分类、循环利用等环保意识,以带动全社会的生态环保进步。 公司承诺,回收回来后,1%-5%的废品会制作成产品重新使用(upcycle),比如牙膏皮做成的购物袋;其余会清洗造粒,再用粒子制作成其他的产品(recycle)。保证100%无填埋和焚烧。

Reciclaje impulsa programa de seguridad alimentaria en la Sierra Tarahumara

Las recolecciones de basura de TerraCycle, además de cuidar al medio ambiente, ayudan a sustentar proyectoscomprometidos con comunidades indígenas.
La Fundación Tarahumara José A. Llaguno, ABP recibió un donativo de 121 mil pesos gracias a los programas de recolección de bolsas de botanas; de pan y pan dulce; empaques de galletas y jabones y productos de cuidado bucal, promovidos por TerraCycle.
“Consideramos importante involucrarnos con procesos para contribuir a la conservación de nuestro medio ambiente, mediante diferentes tipos de acciones y campañas, tanto de consumo responsable como de reutilización y reciclaje”, dijo Laura de la Garza, participante de la fundación. Laura explicó que TerraCycle les permite una nueva vía de financiamiento integral para los proyectos en la Sierra Tarahumara, un lugar de grandes riquezas naturales y culturales, pero que vive serios problemas de marginación para su población

Minimise your contributions to landfill waste

TerraCycle is eliminating the idea of waste by recycling the non-recyclable. They offer free recycling programs funded by brands, manufacturers, and retailers around the world to help you collect and recycle your hard-to-recycle waste. To date, over 63 million people are collecting items in 20 countries and have collected billions of pieces of waste, raising $15 million for charities around the world!

Hively Avenue Preschool competing for playground made of recycled toothpaste tubes, floss

ELKHART — Hively Avenue Preschool is competing to win a playground made from recycled oral care waste through the third annual Recycled Playground Challenge, courtesy of Colgate-Palmolive, Meijer and TerraCycle. Hively Avenue Preschool will earn one "Playground Credit" for each unit of oral care waste, such as empty toothpaste tubes and floss containers, sent to TerraCycle for recycling. A unit is defined as 0.02 pounds of used, post-consumer oral care products and packaging. An additional credit is earned for every online vote cast for the school at www.meijer.com/colgate by June 30. The grand prize is a playground made from recycled oral care waste collected through the Colgate Oral Care Recycling Program, a free national program operated by Colgate and TerraCycle

The power of recycling - St. Katharine Drexel Catholic School enters recycling contest for a new playground.

Who knew old toothpaste tubes and floss containers could bring joy to students? The innovative recycling company TerraCycle did. This year, in conjunction with Colgate and ShopRite, TerraCycle is hosting its fourth annual Recycled Playground Challenge, during which hundreds of schools compete to win a new playground. Right now, St. Katharine Drexel Catholic School in Southampton is in the lead. The school’s only playground was recently closed due to safety reasons and much-needed repairs, so this opportunity to get a new space couldn’t have come at a better time.