Posts with term Capri Sun (Kraft) X

There’s Hope After All

In a nutshell, TerraCycle addresses our landfill problem by converting non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste into new products or materials.  This, I knew before seeing Tom’s presentation, but it wasn’t until after hearing Tom’s full story that I walked away with that warm fuzzy feeling, totally smitten with the irresistibility of TerraCycle’s business model.

New Gym Equipment from Capri Sun Big Pouch and TerraCycle

With our TerraCycle brigade, we really wanted to help him out and get some great new equipment that he could use to engage the kids even more, keeping them active as part of developing a healthy lifestyle.  We also just really wanted to be able to give something fun to the kids!  So we got right to work.  We worked things out with the principal.  Beth and I put together a collection box for the pouch drinks.  We wrapped it in silver wrapping paper so that it even sort of looks like a big pouch drink!  We taped some different brands of pouch drinks, including Capri Sun, to the top so that students would know what to put inside.

Terracycle and a Commuity Garden - Good Things Come to Those Who Recycle

Sometimes, the best things in life fall into your lap and are earned at the same time.  You may recall me talking about starting a TerraCycle Brigade with a local school a while back.   Fast forward a couple of months and those kids really did their part in saving their drink pouches and toothbrushes to recycle in my DIY Monster Recycling bins.  And of course they were rewarded, big time.  Not just with worms!

An Update on our TerraCycle Brigade with Capri Sun

It’s been a while since I talked about the Terracycle Brigade with Capri Sun that we are doing at the school my husband teaches at. It turned out it would work better if we had the entire school collecting drink pouches instead of the wide variety of products we initially thought we’d try. We had them collecting Capri Sun containers and any of that sort. How did we end up doing? How was the school rewarded? Let’s take a look


“We will be working with a recycling company called TerraCycle, and to make our project a success, we need not only the school but the community’s help,” Carlson said. TerraCycle is a company that takes used packaging and other products that would otherwise end up in landfills and reuses them to create new materials and products, also known as “upcycling.”

Capri Sun to add new prizes to its recycling rewards program

Capri Sun is expanding its rewards program for participants in its Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program operated in conjunction with TerraCycle. The expanded benefits will offer prizes to customers who save and return the drink pouches in addition to the cash donations for schools and charities already included in the program. The program has recycled some 200 million pouches to date and earned $4 million in donations.