Posts with term Beach Plastic Cleanup (P&G) X

Volunteers clean up 1,676 lbs of trash on Tahoe beaches after Fourth of July

Plastic bottles, discarded chairs, lone flip flops, food wrappers and cigarette butts — these are the type of items that volunteers picked up from 5.6 miles of Lake Tahoe beaches on July 5 following the busy holiday weekend. The final tally was 1,676 pounds of litter. More than 320 volunteers joined the League to Save Lake Tahoe for the annual Keep Tahoe Red, White and Blue cleanups that look place around the lake at Commons Beach, Kings Beach, Kiva Beach, Nevada Beach and Regan Beach. "Over the weekend, Lake Tahoe hit its high water mark for the first time in years, leaving many of Tahoe's beaches partly or fully underwater," said Marilee Movius, the League's community engagement manager. "With July Fourth celebrations crowded onto the remaining patches of dry ground, our volunteers collected litter that could have been harmful to wildlife and Lake Tahoe's water quality."