Where there's muck there's brass

TerraCycle kraft foods Target Include USA nabisco
While some entrepreneurs discover their business plans unintentionally contain excrement, Tom Szaky's was designed around the material. Worm dung, in fact. Inspired by the success his friends had using red wiggler worms to process compost, Szaky felt there could be a business in commercially producing and distributing a product he would call ‘Worm Poop'. Emboldened by taking fifth place in the Princeton Business Plan Contest, he quit Princeton after two years to form TerraCycle and devote himself to delivering Worm Poop to households everywhere. THE SMELL OF SUCCESS With $20,000 — the proceeds of Szaky's bank accounts and credit cards — he purchased a worm gin and began shovelling Princeton University's food waste into it to feed an ever-growing colony of worms. A worm can consume twice its body weight each day, so Szaky was soon up to his knees in product. Committed to a fully sustainable offering, he packaged his prized Worm Poop in paper bags and took it to gardening stores inviting them to stock it. The response was that the product looked good, but the aroma was not consumer compatible.