What I learned last night

TerraCycle Include USA
Last night I went to hear Tom Szaky <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Szaky> , the first lecturer in the University of the Arts’ nifty new series, Periodic Lectures on Design <http://www.uarts.edu/about/8260.html> , and I learned many new things, including: • Trenton-based TerraCycle is the only company with a license from Coke and Pepsi to package poop in those companies’ 20 oz. bottles. • Szaky filled the first 100 bottles of the worm-poop plant food that got TerraCycle off the ground from his Princeton dorm room, using funnels to guide the, er, matter and hairdryers to heat-seal the labels. • Juice pouches are indestructible, which is why they can’t be recycled. Quilt them together and they create a nifty fabric. TerraCycle also breaks down the pouches and uses their base elements to make pavers, and they’re developing a line of rolling luggage made from juice pouches that will debut at Wal-Mart in six months. • Everything on its own is recyclable. So, a garbage can full of yogurt cups, candy wrappers, toothpaste tubes, and juice pouches is not recyclable. Separate the different waste streams and they’re all recyclable on their own. Check out the 36 different wastestreams <http://www.terracycle.net/brigades>  TerraCycle collects (and will help you collect) in the U.S. • It’s possible to wear jeans, a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and a John Deere cap and still come off as totally brilliant. (Darn kids upending the social order.) Next up in the series is Susan Szenasy, Editor-in-Chief of Metropolis magazine. Reserve <http://corzocenter.ticketleap.com/>  your spot for the March 1 lecture—it’s free, but seating is limited!