Volunteer for your child’s school -- and the Earth

school TerraCycle Include USA
Teachers and administrators love parent volunteers. Every year when my kids go back to school, there seems to be an even longer list of volunteer opportunities. Most schools are time- and cash-crunched, so if I can help out, that’s great. Everyone benefits. But what if you could help out and do something good for the Earth at the same time? You can. And by helping out your environment, you also improve your child’s health, safety and happiness. It’s a win-win. Plus, if everyone learns more about habitats and how to better take care of them, including within your own community, then you’ve also paid the planet and your family forward. In the book “The Mom’s Guide To Growing Your Family Green: Saving the Earth Begins at Home” (St. Martin’s Press, $16.95), there is a wonderful blueprint for how to work with your child’s school to make a difference, along with pages of specific how-tos and resources. Here are some additional ideas: -In charge of finding more money? For fundraising, steer clear of junk food, candy and wrapping paper. Instead, go for the green with positive-planet and health-loving impact. www.terracycle.net helps you create a recycling brigade to get money for your school, plus they have up-to-date companion curriculum series for teachers. Or try a community event; if you have musical-artist parents who would donate time and talent, then put together an at-school concert and sell tickets. If you want to sell products, www.go-green-fundraising.com has several ideas, such as flower bulbs, savings cards, live tree kits and healthy food products.