Trash Tycoon is a breath of fresh, smog-free air

Trash Tycoon Include USA
Instead of building a city, Trash Tycoon asks you to clean one up. The houses and streets are already there, but they’re a mess. It’s a game that attempts to teach players about the benefits of recycling, but it doesn’t really feel like an educational game. And that’s because, in spite of a few flaws and the fact that it doesn’t really do much new, Trash Tycoon is actually pretty fun. You start the game in what looks to be a suburban neighborhood. Only it looks like one that’s been through a tornado or two. The houses are destroyed and litter is everywhere, and so naturally it’s up to you to clean everything up. As you pick up piles of trash you’ll gather items like shards of glass, plastic bottles, and scraps of paper. But instead of simply recycling them, you can upcycle the resources to earn some money.