TerraCycle Valentine's Day Craft Idea

TerraCycle Kraft Cheese Mars Include USA
LOVE THE PLANET THIS VALENTINE’S DAY Celebrate with Eco Games and Gifts from Upcycling Pioneer TerraCycle Love it or loathe it, Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. Some are planning romantic dates with their longtime sweetheart. Some are planning to finally ask out their crush at recess. Regardless of your plans this Valentine’s Day, TerraCycle has sweet ways to celebrate that are good for the planet, good for the wallet and good for you. While cleaning up trash doesn’t seem like a romantic way to spend the day, you can celebrate the holiday and effect real-world change with special Valentine’s Day items, products and decorations in Trash Tycoon, Facebook’s first upcycling game from Guerillapps and TerraCycle. In the game, you can clean up trash and upcycle it to fun products like necklaces, Valentine’s Day cards and heart shaped wreaths to send to friends or to decorate your town. Players’ hearts will swell because Trash Tycoon creates positive social impact by donating 10% of in-game dollars to environmental projects sponsored by CarbonFund.org.