TerraCycle upcycled products available at Walmart stores nationwide

school TerraCycle Walmart Include USA
Through the month of April TerraCycle products will be available at Walmart locations nationwide. The best part about the partnership with Walmart is that the TerraCycle items are being sold in the same section of products from which they were made. From backpacks made from drink containers to totes made from chip packaging, TerraCycle takes recycling to a whole new level. The company specializes in affordable eco-friendly products that are created with materials that are typically non-recyclable. With help from individuals all throughout the country, TerraCycle runs a national collection program that pays schools and non-profits for collecting used packaging materials like energy bar wrappers, yogurt cups, and cookie wrappers. The items are then turned from waste into high quality products including bags, holiday bows, shower curtains, clocks, corkboards, and more.