TerraCycle partnership cited as one of the reasons Mars wins Green Candy Company of the Year!

TerraCycle Mars Include USA
In Hackettstown, the company’s efforts to sustainability and green manufacturing are impressive. First, virtually all waste generated by the 200,000-sq.-ft facility winds up being reused, recycled or redistributed, asserts Brian Suwalski, plant director. Any confectionery waste that’s not possible of being reworked back into processing is sold as animal feed, typically to hog farmers as “pig food.” Packaging that’s slated for waste or surplus is also recycled. Useable printed packaging is shipped to Terracycle, which takes the material and produces a range of tote bags, pencil boxes and other consumer goods, a form of recycling known as “upcycling.” The plant’s waste water treatment plant not only cleans the water before returning it back to the city’s sewage system, it also feeds the sludge through an anaerobic digester and then a sludge press to create sludge cakes, which can be used as agricultural fertilizer