TerraCycle Offers Spas Free Recycling Program

TerraCycle Garnier (L'Oreal) Include USA
A busy day at a salon can result in bags of non-recyclable garbage from a full day of haircuts, coloring, nail services and spa procedures. Becoming more environmentally-friendly is on the minds of many spa and salon owners as they rethink what they throw away and how they operate. TerraCycle offers a free recycling program called the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade to help salons and spas move toward more eco-friendly waste management practices. With the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade program, difficult-to-recycle packaging such as hair color tubes (including aluminum tubes), hair care product containers, skin cream tubes, cosmetics packaging and any other plastics or tubes can now be recycled—regardless of brand. TerraCycle, in partnership with Garnier, awards two points for each package received, which can be put toward buying a charity gift or converted to money and given to a charity. Collected packaging is turned into plastic items such as park benches, recycling bins and plastic lumber.