TerraCycle Brigades!

TerraCycle office Frito Lay Include USA
TST!  I'm so excited to be leading this new project with the Tisch Sustainability Team <http://tischsustainabilityteam.wordpress.com/>  (at work); starting Tuesday, September 7th we will be collecting chip bags and energy bar wrappers to send to TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  for up-cycling!  You faithful readers out there know how cool TerraCycle is, remember they sent me that awesome swag bag <http://www.girlygreengirl.com/2010/05/im-winner.html>  AND a hip drink pouch bag for my very first giveaway <http://www.girlygreengirl.com/2010/07/giveaway.html> ?!  Well you should see the up-cycled chip bag we're raffling off here at work, it's so yummy... I mean cool looking.  For each entry into either the wrapper or chip bag brigade, co-workers will be entered into a raffle for various eco-prizes, the grand prize being the up-cycled chip bag (sorry, Tisch workers only - for now - but if you happen to work on campus and want to participate feel free to inter-office mail me your wrappers and bags!!)