TerraCycle Brigades

school TerraCycle Target Include USA
For instance, if you head to the Terra Cycle you will see that they are always actively seeking to develop “brigades”. These are groups that commit to collecting very specific materials such as candy wrappers, drink pouches, or soda bottles. <http://www.gogreenitems.com/Recycled_Handbags_Eco_Friendly_Purses_at_Go_Green_Items_s/146.htm>  The group that collects and submits the materials will get paid for each item (usually around two cents each) and will even be able to enjoy free shipping on each package they submit.  This means that a classroom, school, or neighborhood might get together to “harvest” every juice pouch used by the kids. These are quickly rinsed, flattened and submitted to the upcycling group, and then a check  or contribution is made in return for their efforts. It is a win-win scenario and comes with plenty of rewards apart from the money.