
capri-sun school TerraCycle Elmer's Target Include USA
Those cute little Capri Sun purses and pencil cases you see in boutiques and Target, come from the juice pouches your little ones drink!  Don't throw those pouches away, your school can get 2 cents a pouch!   Totally awesome right? Now I will admit it can get a little messy, as I am the one in charge of cleaning them, but it is well worth it in the end: 1. We bring in cash for new school supplies and 2. We are making the earth a little cleaner. Go to your school's PTA and ask if your school is a part of the Terra-cycle program. New to the Terra-cycle program is the Elmer's Glue Crew!   Which come on, what school doesn't use a lot of Elmer's Glue? And at 2 cents a container!  WOW!  Find out more here! The best part of the Terra-cycle program is you can get your whole family involved!