St. Charles School Goes Green—in Two Ways

TerraCycle Scott (Kimberly Clark) Kraft Cheese (Kraft Foods) Frito-Lay (Pepsico) Capri Sun (Kraft Foods) Solo Include USA drink pouch brigade
THE TERRACYCLE RECYCLING PROGRAM FOR JUICE POUCHES EARNS SCHOOL A CASH REWARD. When students at St. Charles School see a certain juice pouch, they don’t just think “juice.” They also think about reducing school trash and bringing in 2 cents per juice pouch for their school. Special education teacher and Student Council advisor Jill Flemming also sees teachable math moments. Since this past September, the school has been sending Capri Sun juice pouches to TerraCycle. This school year, St. Charles students, who ended their school year Tuesday, recycled more than 11,000 juice bags, Flemming said Wednesday morning—11,072 to be exact. The recycling idea came, she said, when students were doing an annual walk in September against diabetes. The boxes of juice bags that the Student Council dispensed during the walk said, Flemming pointed out, “Recycle with TerraCycle.”