REFLECTIONS: Ready for the season of giving

TerraCycle Include USA Hasbro
It seems like manufacturers rush us through the year. Just after school is out, we are treated to back-to-school advertising. In August, Halloween is already all over the stores. Before Halloween is past, we are rushed right past Thanksgiving to Christmas.   Personally, as soon as Halloween ends, I think of it as the season of giving. There is no better area to demonstrate the feeling of “neighbors helping neighbors.”   That has been the motto of the Item Appeal, a nonprofit near-and-dear to my heart, where volunteers ensure that every penny raised during the year (most of it in November and December) goes back to the community to help those in need. Often, we see people who previously needed help getting back on their feet and giving back. The Appeal volunteers are the best around. We may be biased, but we don’t think so!   You need look no further than this year’s George Bailey award winners to see those who care about their neighbors. Alan Gage and David Goodale, in addition to their work with the Elks, run chicken shoots almost every weekend in the spring and fall to help great causes. Last weekend, it was the Clinton Adult Learning Center. Families who have lost everything in a fire, and people suffering great illnesses, have all benefited from the duo’s zaniness at these events. Fellow honoree, Cid DeLeo, has shown a love for Clinton, and its people, all her life. She will share a stage with the Chicken Shoot Guys.   Also being honored that night will be Thomas Haemer, who has helped out all over the community, from Gael Force’s FIRST robotics team to the Clinton Historical Society. He will be honored with a newly-minted Lifetime Achievement Award because we honestly cannot think of enough ways to honor those who promote doing good in this community.   Speaking of doing good, last week’s Item featured Clinton High School’s new food pantry for students in need. Organizer Rose Solar told us that, after the story ran, three residents stopped in and dropped off big bags of groceries.   Over the weekend, the Knights of Columbus gave away winter coats for children and adults in an annual event that keeps giving. The group has already agreed to help another coat giveaway, sponsored by the Thomas J. Serewicz, Sr. Foundation so, hopefully, any leftover coats will find those who really need them.   In this issue of The Item, A. Anthony Garreffi kicks off the campaign associated with his second in the “I Caught Santa” series. Last year, the first book, which dealt with issues of homelessness, helped raise $500 for WHEAT. This year, with a book called “Respect Your Toys,” Garreffi is committed to raising $750, plus a $250 donation from Avidia Bank, to WHEAT, while also working with the Hasbro Toy/Terracycle recycling program to collect broken toys so they can be fully recycled.   November is a hairy month for many police officers and firefighters, who give up their razors for a month while collecting money for their favorite charities, like Cops for Kids with Cancer. Many of these stations will also host Toys for Tots collections, after collecting surplus Halloween candy for veterans’ care packages.   We have food drives at many of the local schools, the diaper pantry serving area mothers and so many other people looking to make a difference in their communities. It is overwhelming to see the need in our communities. However, the residents always seem ready to help.   Throughout the season of giving, The Item will try to shine a spotlight on some of these efforts. Because none of us can help everyone, but if all of us can help some, we can make a real difference. Figure out how you want to help and jump in.   Jan Gottesman is managing editor of The Item. She can be reached at clintonitem@yahoo.com.