No more butt ugly for downtown Barrie

Include Canada (French) Include Canada (English) cigarette recycling
The Downtown Barrie BIA is set to ramp up the war on butts. Managing Director Craig Stevens says the Association is looking to buy more than a dozen cigarette receptacles in a bid to keep downtown streets clean of butts. Coun. Doug Shipley added $2,500 for cigarette receptacles in the downtown as part of the 2017 budget. Council's move was in response to complaints about overflowing ashtrays and cigarette butts along Dunlop St. During the budget debatrs, Mayor Jeff Lehman said the city has to have a higher standard of cleanliness in the city core and along the waterfront, as he argued on spending $32,800 on increased maintenance. “We did receive a significant number of complaints this year. With the popularity of our core area and waterfront comes more litter and more mess. As we open the new Centennial Park and the new Meridian Square, we will see the problems getting worse,” Lehman said last month. In May, the annual Butt Blitz event led by A Greener Future has a 2017 goal to pick up 200,000 butts nationally. Barrie's 2016 contribution was 7,475 and organizers are targeting 10,000 this year. ZuZu Fashion Boutique owner Tracey Baker is  Downtown Volunteer Coordinator for the Blitz and has already erected a cigarette receptacle outside of her Dunlop St. East shop. The Butt Blitz is an open event that anyone in Canada can join. Participants can either attend a local cleanup where coordinators are running the event, or participants can collect butts on their own and drop them off to the coordinator afterwards. The goal of the event is to remove as much cigarette butt litter from ecosystems across Canada as possible during a one day Butt Blitz event and send the butts to TerraCycle Canada for recycling. Organizers also hope to raise awareness of the negative impacts that cigarette butt litter has on ecosystems and health.