Middleburg Looks to Recycle Razors

TerraCycle Include USA Gillette
In its drive to become more environmentally friendly and sustainable, the Town of Middleburg has pushed to recycle cigarette butts and considered options to install an electric vehicle charging station. Now, it’s also looking to recycle used razors. The town’s Go Green Committee recently applied to be a part of TerraCycle’s Gillette Razor Recycling Program for residents to drop their used razor blades, of any brand, into a bin to be sent off and recycled into various plastic products and metal alloys that can be turned into new items like park benches and picnic tables. Councilman Peter Leonard-Morgan, the council liaison for the Go Green Committee, said he got the idea to apply for the program after wondering for years about the effects of razor blades in landfills. He said that TerraCycle, an international recycling company, could accept Middleburg into the program by the end of the month. If that happens, the company would send the town a razor recycling bin developed by it and Gillette to be placed in the town office entryway as early as the beginning of May. Once residents fill the bin with used razors, the town will seal it and send it to TerraCycle, which will send the town a new bin and melt the razors’ plastic and metal down for remanufacturing. “This is a really cool thing,” Leonard-Morgan said. For every shipment of used razors that weighs more than 15 pounds, TerraCycle will give the town a dollar per pound to donate to a nonprofit organization or school. Leonard-Morgan said the Town Council has yet to discuss which beneficiary to select. The environmentally-friendly initiative is one of a handful the town is already doing or considering. Middleburg last year was accepted into TerraCycle’s cigarette butt recycling program and installed 13 receptacles across town for people to dispose of their butts in an environmentally conscious way. The town continually ships off boxes full of butts to TerraCycle for recycling. The Town Council on April 25 could also vote to approve a partnership with ChargePoint to bring two electric vehicle charging ports to the town’s public parking lot off Liberty Street. During Middleburg’s April 27 participation in the DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, the Police Department and Mothers Against Drunk Driving will also be collecting shoe donations, which the GotSneakers shoe recycling organization will send to impoverished communities in nations like Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Ukraine.