Local students see their fundraising efforts have effect locally and globally

capri-sun school TerraCycle Frito Lay Include USA
With hundreds of students eating lunch every day, the teachers at Walker Elementary School used to see a lot of used drink pouches get thrown away. Now they earn two cents for every one of those pouches they collect and return to a company called, TerraCycle, who uses their non-recyclable waste to make affordable, eco-friendly products. This school year, the enthusiastic students at Walker have diverted nearly 4,000 pieces of waste from going into the landfills. “I have always been a big advocate of recycling and think this program is great.” said Lois Bradley, the P.E. teacher who signed the school up for the program. “I teach at a K-1 school that has snack each day.  As part of our policy individually wrapped items are required for parents to send in for snack.  I noticed that a lot of students were drinking Capri Sun drinks, and decided to sign up for the drink brigade.”