Leave no trace by recycling your wrappers

TerraCycle Kashi (Kellogg) Clif bear naked Include USA
Step away from the trashcan! Leaving no trace just got easier — and cooler. Take your non-recycleable wrappers from products such as Kashi, Bear Naked and CLIF Bar and put them to good use through TerraCycle Brigade programs. Ship your wrappers to TerraCycle free of charge and they will award you points that you can use to buy a specific charity gift. They then turn your wrappers into cool eco-friendly, affordable products such as tote bags, coolers, notebooks, laptop cases and mini-speakers. Wrappers that aren’t upcycled into products are melted down and turned into plastics that are used in trash cans, flower pots and clipboards. The snacks you enjoy can become eco-friendly, long-life products that support your environment through TerraCycle.