How can we rewire Earth Day?

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
Here we are again. Earth Day is upon us, with all its blaring, breathless press releases and tenuous connections to sustainability being made. Perhaps your own company is doing it! Every April, green becomes a topic of conversation far beyond those you’d normally expect. The jury’s still out as to whether this is a good and well, sustainable thing, focusing people’s attention on earth-positive actions, or just an annual green hurrah that gets forgotten a few days later. I see a missed opportunity here. The majority of what takes place is talk, back slapping, finger wagging, product launches, brand behavior enhancements and lifestyle actions suggestions. What about packaging? Have all these Earth Day actions helped move the needle in the world of consumer packaging towards companies using and consumers asking for more sustainable packaging? I’m sure that consumer’s interest in recycled content was born out of Earth Day. But does it go any deeper than that? Tell me, how can Earth Day be better tied to packaging? How can we increase the sophistication of your average consumer so that they know about and will ask for the increasingly sophisticated green options that are possible in packaging these days?