Greening Mainstream, One Big Box at a Time

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
Imagine you're going into a big box store. I know, a far fetched scenario for some of you reading, but play along with me here. In them, there's usually that section: The seasonal one with Christmas lights in winter, beach balls in summer. You know the one. Now imagine if it had upcycled and eco-friendly products, displayed next to the product whose packaging was used to make that product. And it had information telling people all about this. An entire section, prominently placed, educating consumers and shifting people's minds about the ease of living more sustainably, and the part they could play in doing that. Far fetched you say? A reality, right now, I say. In Walmart's Hot Spot section. A huge selection of what we create, right next to what we collect via our Brigades to make it. This month Walmarts across the country will have what they're calling Earth Zone. That a store of this size, reach, and impact is choosing to do this is huge. Say what you will about Walmart, but all our talk about becoming a greener society comes down to making it as easy as possible for people to see themselves doing it. Making it normal. Making it an enjoyable experience. Earth Zone does all of that. Beyond Walmart, beyond TerraCycle, this excites me.