TerraCycle Include USA Nordstrom BEAUTYCYCLE
image.png “The soul has been given its own ears to hear things the mind does not understand.” -Rumi Happy Friday!! Thank goodness it’s the weekend. I am looking forward to moments of destressing and relaxation, enjoying the crisp fall weather. As much as I love summer, there is something about the fall season that brings new hope and adventure.Fall has always felt like a new beginning. Maybe it stems from the start of school; new grade, new classes, etc. Maybe it’s the changing of the leaves and nature. Whatever the reason, fall has always brought a newfound optimism, that something wonderful is about to happen to me. And it usually does; change of apartments, new romances, growth in business, a new niece (in a month!!), etc. Whatever wonderful thing that this fall seasons brings into my life, I am ready for it! This past week was filled with ups and downs. We all watched the dumpster fire of a Presidental debate Tuesday evening. I immediately saged my apartment afterward. I had to get rid of the negativity ASAP! You know that meme of Ben Affleck smoking a cigarette outside looking completely disheveled and stressed? That is how I felt. I said to myself: I need a cigarette right now… and I do not smoke, at all. It was that stressful. But I do not need to tell you, you watched it and felt the same way. I know the media is calling to end the debates, but I think that is a terrible idea. More than ever we need to hear these two candidates stance on policies and a clear layout of their plans. I feel there are so many people who are not voting by party but by the candidate this year, so hearing from them is important. I encourage you to really do your research on each topic and VOTE! This isn’t the year to sit this one out. Even if you do not like either candidate, please do not sit this one out. VOTE VOTE VOTE!! Besides looking up how to obtain citizenship in London, this past week was busy. Monday I had a doctor’s appointment; regular check-up and got a flu shot. I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be going to my first in-house doctor’s appotinemnt since the pandemic started. Maybe because by now we are all so used to protocols. And it is a doctors office, knowing they know more about COVID and what to do than anyone else, helped elevate any hesitation. Also this week I had a webinar with RewardStyle. They talked about upcoming holiday strategies amongst current affairs. Since the holidays will be so different this year, I am rethinking my usualy holiday content. Maybe do less holiday styles and more gift guides. I am not sure what route I want to do. To start my day and the weekend off on the right note, I participated in Carbon38′s dance class this morning with my friend, Lindsay Howe. It was a fun, quick 30 minute IG Live cardio dance class. I have been working out in the afternoons since the pandemic started, so it was a nice change to wake up early and sweat. What I am watching: I caved and started watching Dancing With The Stars. I made a big huff and puff about them firing Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews and vowed to boycott it. But I am weak. The glitter costumes and salsa hips pulled me back in. I am glad that I decided to watch it again this year, as it is one of my favorite shows. It brings a lot of joy and I look forward to it each week– even if I have to fast forward through Tyra Banks. I’ve never been a fan of hers. This year’s contestants are really good– they are donig an amazing job for it being the 3rd week. Catfish creator, Nev Schulman, is by far the best one. I am very impressed by his elegance, strength, and ability to catch on quickly. He looks as if he is a trained dancer! If Nev doesn’t win I am rooting for AJ McLean or Johnny Weir to win. All 3 men are the best, so far. Another show I started watching is Hart of Dixie with Rachel Bilson, Jamie King, and the guy who played Jason in Friday Night Lights (the show). Anyway, I ran out of things to binge-watch and a few people had recommended the show to me. It’s been off air since 2015. I remember it while it was on The CW but never really interested me. But I was looking for a light-hearted, entertaining show and so I gave it a go. I really enjoy it! I don’t know if it would have kept my interest back in the day when it aired in 2011, waiting each week for a new episode, but I am enjoying binge-watching episode after episode. There are a lot of love-triangles, which I can’t make my mind up on who I want to end up with who (Please no spoilers!). I also love the small town, care for your neighbor, type story. It seems we all need a lessen in that these days. What I bought: Tuckernuck was having a major sale earlier this week. I bought this dress to work from home in. I bought it in an x-small, it is loose fitted. However, I may have to exchange it for a small (haven’t received it in the mail yet) as it does have sleeves. The x-small will work with my torso, but I am not sure if it will work with my shoulders and arms. We will have to see. I almost bought this dress instead (and may go back and purchase it), but ultimately went with the shorter length dress. I also bought this headband. I know I already have the white pearl headband, but that is for fancy occasions. I wanted a white headband for an everyday look. I believe you can never have too many headbands! This weekend I have nothing on the agenda but to enjoy the real first taste of fall. I may head uptown to Central Park to see if any of the leaves have changed. I know I need to run a few errands; get a new book, donate clothes, etc. I am also planning on watching Enola Holmes on Netflix. Seems to be having rave reviews. I hope the weather stays decently nice so I can go for a ran, as my running days are numbered with the cold seasons starting. Never been one who cares to run in the cold. No thank you! Have a wonderful weekend xo