Film "Last Call at the Oasis" is Sobering Look at World Water Crisis

TerraCycle Tom-Blog Include USA
As trash takes over the planet via overflowing landfills, the growing Pacific Gyre, endless litter, and needless consumption, meanwhile something very important is rapidly disappearing – and you should be concerned. More and more trash, less and less… clean water. I’ve dedicated my entire life to one environmental issue: Eliminating the Idea of Waste. When I met some of the talented folks at Art Takes Over (ATO) andParticipant Media (producers of top films like Food, Inc. and An Inconvenient Truth), and I heard about their new documentary, "Last Call at the Oasis," I realized that while recycling and reuse should remain a top priority and top concern, there’s an environmental issue much bigger facing the 21st Century and that’s clean water. I recently mentioned to you in my post about sustainable fashion that I think art is an incredible medium for pressing messages such as the need to recycle.TerraCycle had the pleasure of speaking with Jessica Yu, the Academy Award-winning director of "Last Call at the Oasis," for our podcast this week.