Family housing residents can join ranks to eliminate waste

TerraCycle Colgate Include USA
Family housing residents already participate in reducing waste in landfills by recycling paper, cardboard, and plastic and glass bottles and containers. Now they have taken a step toward eliminating waste altogether by joining the Colgate Toothbrush Brigade, collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes and packaging. Once thought of as non-recyclable, toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes and packaging can now be collected and converted in to a wide range of products and materials. In partnership with TerraCycle, a company that provides free waste collection programs for hard-to-recycle materials, Balfour Beatty Communities will provide a collection point and donation pick up dates for the used tooth brush items from residents and send them to TerraCycle who will either upcycle or recycle the waste into new eco-friendly products. This eliminates waste in landfills and even reduces the need for new materials to be extracted from the planet. Products that are made from upcycled or recycled materials include such things as park benches, bags and backpacks, gardening supplies, office supplies, and even toys. For every unit of waste collected and sent to TerraCycle, a donation will be made to the Families of the Wounded Fund. All residents have to do to participate is to drop off their toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and toothbrush packaging in the appropriate bin at the Community Center, 126 Madison Ave. on Fort Eustis. Balfour Beatty and TerraCycle will take care of the rest.