Creating Collection and Solution Systems

TerraCycle Capri Sun (Kraft) via the picture Frito Lay Include USA
We have to admit that we are a disposable society. Without doing something constructive with many things we possess and become tired of, we simply toss it away in the garbage can. Recycling of course is nothing new to us. We see people throw away so much reusable stuff that invades our landfills every single day and never think twice about finding an alternative use for those goods. Many of our parents and grandparents recycled every day, not because it was a fashionable thing to do, but rather out of sheer necessity. TerraCycle, a company founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, who was a 20-year-old freshman attending Princeton University at that time, strives to eliminate the idea of waste. This company offers collection programs to recycle things that people may think is non-recyclable into a broad range of products and materials. Over 14 million people collect stuff that is disposed of in 11 different countries to turn those non-recyclable items into solution systems.