Canadian Recycling Brigade Diverts One Million Drink Pouches

TerraCycle kraft canada Include Canada (English)
Drink pouches are a popular addition to lunches and can be found in almost every cafeteria and classroom in Canada. Unfortunately these items cannot be recycled through traditional recycling programs. As of this week, Drink Pouch Brigades across Canada have helped collect more than one million pouches and TerraCycle has contributed over $20,000 to schools and non-profits! Across Canada over 2,700 schools, non-profits and community groups have joined together to help collect the one million pieces. Exactly how much is one million drink pouches? It is enough to cover nine hockey rinks or 33 basketball courts. Students, teachers and community members from almost 3,000 communities across Canada are working together to assure this packaging is no longer waste and can be given new life by TerraCycle. "It gives the students a chance to participate and see results for their actions. We can collect waste and get paid for it," says Sandra Ross, parent volunteer at William S. Patterson P.S. in Clandeboye, Manitoba.