Blessed Sacrament students earn money by recycling

TerraCycle Frito Lay Include USA
TOLEDO--A bag of chips is a popular addition to many kids’ school lunches, but most of those bags end up in the garbage at the end of the lunch period. Students from the environmental club at Toledo Blessed Sacrament School decided to divert their garbage from landfills and raise money for their school by collecting chip bagsand sending them to a company called TerraCycle. The students have collected more than 16,000 bags, placing them among the top 100 chip bag collectors in the country and earning them money to use for classroom supplies. TerraCycle’s Chip Bag Brigade, in partnership with Frito-Lay, is a free national program with almost 10,000 participating organizations. “The best thing about collecting the items is it costs us absolutely nothing," says Blessed Sacrament Brigade coordinator Emily Maciejewski. "We simply take them and send it all to TerraCycle, which even provides the mailing labels. We use boxes from other items sent to the school. It is the easiest way to earn money and not ask parents to buy something or the kids to sell something." The Chip Bag Brigade is a chance for students to raise money for their club and a way to get students excited about recycling and teach them about the importance of giving back to their community.  TerraCycle provides free curricula, craft projects and design contests to help further engage students and promote the educational aspect of the program.