Big Lessons From the SunChips Packaging Fiasco

TerraCycle Sun Chips (Frito-Lay) Tom-Blog
2010 was a great year, but something happened that made me angry. But backing up and having a broader look, it makes sense. It goes like this: Sunchips, after more than a year of marketing getting people ready, launches with a fully compostable bag. It fails, hugely. Because it's too noisy for some. Noisy, really? Really. At first this seemed absurd to me, but then, if I take off my "green glasses," I can see that an obnoxiously loud bag would take precedence over the fact that it can be composted. The reality is (at least currently) people are more interested in appearing green than actually engaging in green behavior, particularly that which impinges on their comfort. And truth be told, actually composting so called compostable packaging is, for the most part, quite a difficult task.