Aveeno's Road to Healthy Skin Tour (and if you use Aveeno, you want to read this) & and the new Aveeno/TerraCycle Brigade

TerraCycle Aveeno Include USA
Aveeno lotion tubes can now be upcycled through Terracycle and is launghing a Road to Healthy Skin Tour. I'm going share most of the press release in a minute with you but I wanted to note, that when my kids get dry skin (especially in wintertime) or have an allergic reaction, they usually go into the tub with the Aveeno soothing oatmeal bath.  I love that Aveeno is a huge brand looking to encourage and help people recycle- and upcycle!!  I know so many families who swear by Aveeno for babies, kids and adults (and dogs. I do have a friend who uses Aveeno baby wash on her dog because she loves the smell) and I think this partnership between Aveeno and Terracycle is going to make them all love it a little bit more.