A Sweet Fashion Statement – Creating Cool Bracelets with Candy Wrappers!

TerraCycle Nestle Include USA
<http://www.blaircandy.com/candybars1.html> The best thing about candy bars will always be eating them, but the fun doesn’t have to stop there. We recently came across an awesome DIY project on TerraCycle.com that shows you how to make a candy wrapper bracelet <http://www.terracycle.ca/31?locale=en-CA>  in just a few simple steps! Is it a coincidence that each bracelet requires 24 rectangles formed from chocolate wrappers, and our new Custom Candy Bar Box <http://www.blaircandy.com/custom-candy-bar-box.html>  comes with 24 candy bars of your choice? Well…yes, it probably is a coincidence! But we think it’s a rather nice one.   We don’t recommend that you try to eat all 24 candy bars <http://www.blaircandy.com/candybars1.html>  in one sitting – afterward you won’t feel up for much of anything, let alone crafts! But we think it will be deliciously possible to have a new bracelet by spring, and much sooner than that if you ask friends to open their candy bars <http://www.blaircandy.com/candybars1.html>  carefully and share their wrappers with you. While this is primarily a colorfully creative project, I can’t help but be reminded of a belief that many people hold – that the energy put into something becomes the energy of the end product. For example, if you angrily make a pot of soup that you didn’t really want to make, the soup might taste bad or bring about an upset stomach. Similarly, if you take something from its rightful owner, that object will bring you ill fortune one day as it is now ‘charged’ with negative energy. The good news is that energy works the other way, too! And what better positive energy resource is there than candy <http://www.blaircandy.com/> ?! Imagine how light, bright and positively charged a bracelet will be when made from the wrappers of 24 thoroughly-enjoyed candy bars. It might just be the happiest bracelet on Earth! If a candy wrapper bracelet isn’t a style statement you’re ready to make, you can still make a difference. TerraCycle offers an upcycling program sponsored by Nestle Canada – the Chocolate Wrapper Brigade <http://www.terracycle.ca/brigades/8-Chocolate-Wrapper-Brigade-Sponsored-by-Nestl-Canada> . For every empty wrapper you send in for upcycling into an ingeniously useful and fun product, including tote bags and backpacks, 2 cents will also be donated to your favorite charity. Pretty sweet!