5 Things to Know Today: Independence Day

TerraCycle Scott (Kimberly Clark) Kraft Cheese (Kraft Foods) Frito-Lay (Pepsico) Solo Include USA
Recycle Today For anyone having a barbeque today, there is now a new way to recycle Non-recyclable trash. Send it for free to TerraCycle to be recycled. TerraCycle collects difficult-to-recycle food packaging such as Frito-Lay chip bags, Kraft Singles cheese packaging, Scott paper towel and napkin wrapping, and Solo plastic cups. Anyone can send in their used products and packaging to be upcycled and recycled. or every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant’s choice. There are Brigade teams in your area, including Plymouth River School. To sign up, visit, www.terracycle.net.