2 kids, 30 boxes and a clean desk drawer

TerraCycle Include Canada (French) Include Canada (English) Staples Writing Instruments
Picture it. You have an emergency message to jot down, so you grab the nearest pen … and it’s dry. So you grab another pen, and another, then finally find the Holy Grail … a pen that works! You chicken-scratch that message and all is well. Though some us acknowledge the dry pen’s lifespan and toss it, many of us (cough, me, cough) put it back in the drawer, hoping it will come back to life, dreading its demise in landfill. This, of course, means repeating the whole frustrating process another day. If you too have a drawer full of expired pens, I have good news! What once could only go to landfill can now go to a special recycling program (no, not the blue bin, please don’t put pens in the blue bin).  We have a new program called “Operation Ecopen” What goes in?