11 Green Companies That Take Recycling Seriously
TerraCycle pepsi tom szaky Colgate Include USA BritaFrom permeable pavers made from 100% recycled materials to an innovative leader in reclaimed wood, these companies are doing recycling right.
Recycling is one of the best ways to help the environment and economy simultaneously, but it’s overlooked by too many as tedious and unnecessary. But of all the plastic that’s ever been made, only roughly 9% has likely been recycled, according to a 2018 report by Great Britain's Royal Statistical Society (RSS). The RSS named it their statistic of the year.
On top of that, recent investigations in multiple cities across the country have found that even recyclables that have been properly disposed of may not be getting recycled. In Chicago, some recycling bins have been marked “contaminated” and hauled off to landfills when not contaminated at all.
But even though recycling worldwide has a ways to go, many green companies are paving the road to a more sustainable future. Here are 11 green companies working hard to change the way their industries perceive waste.