中国第一个零废弃生活嘉年华来了 China's First Zero Waste Festival Is Here!
TerraCycle Colgate Include China Ultra Doux
两场分享会分别是自然之友为我们带来“史上最干净的音乐节——FUJI ROCK”分享会,以及由Go Zero Waste创始人Elsa,Eco House创始人Lydia,泰瑞环保团队以及素食星球为我们带来的关于“零废弃生活、居住与饮食”的分享会。
Environmental protection organization, Friends of Nature, will give a first-hand experience talk about FUJI ROCK - the cleanest rock festival on the planet. Followed by a panel discussion about "Consuming, Living and Eating in Zero WasteStyle" presented by Go Zero Waste, Eco House, Veg Planet and Terracycle.
2)空洗发水瓶和牙膏管—— 我们和来自美国的泰瑞环保TerraCycle 合作,他们将用创新技术将收集回的日用清洁用品再制造成新产品。
TerraCycle collects all the empty shampoo, detergent and toothpaste bottles and make new products with innovative technology.