Sustentare Soluções Ambientais e LEO Clube Ômega de São Lourenço do Oeste trazem para São Lourenço a campanha de reciclagem materiais de higiene bucal realizada nacionalmente pela empresa Terracycle, em parceria com a Colgate.
Ha sido un año significativo -algunos dirían aterrador- para los datos climáticos.
Las elevadas temperaturas han empujado al planeta Tierra a su período más caliente en la historia registrada; Agosto de 2016 fue el más cálido de agosto en el registro y fue empatado con julio de 2016 como el mes más caliente desde el registro de mantener comenzó hace 136 años.
Ahora estamos viviendo una nueva "realidad del cambio climático", con niveles de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera que han superado un umbral simbólico de 400 partes por millón en promedio durante todo el 2015.
Los científicos advierten que es improbable que las concentraciones de CO2 bajen por debajo Esta marca por generaciones.
When an Auckland company wanted to recycle its coffee pods, an international business came up with a novel solution. "We drink a lot of coffee here, and the pouches don't get recycled. So, we looked for a way to recycle them and we found TerraCycle," Sallis said.
When an Auckland company wanted to recycle its coffee pods, an international business came up with a novel solution. "We drink a lot of coffee here, and the pouches don't get recycled. So, we looked for a way to recycle them and we found TerraCycle," Sallis said.
When an Auckland company wanted to recycle its coffee pods, an international business came up with a novel solution. "We drink a lot of coffee here, and the pouches don't get recycled. So, we looked for a way to recycle them and we found TerraCycle," Sallis said.
When an Auckland company wanted to recycle its coffee pods, an international business came up with a novel solution. "We drink a lot of coffee here, and the pouches don't get recycled. So, we looked for a way to recycle them and we found TerraCycle," Sallis said.
When an Auckland company wanted to recycle its coffee pods, an international business came up with a novel solution. "We drink a lot of coffee here, and the pouches don't get recycled. So, we looked for a way to recycle them and we found TerraCycle," Sallis said.
When an Auckland company wanted to recycle its coffee pods, an international business came up with a novel solution. "We drink a lot of coffee here, and the pouches don't get recycled. So, we looked for a way to recycle them and we found TerraCycle," Sallis said.