This June 5-9 is the Ocean Conference, the
high-level United Nations Conference to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Coinciding with the
global World Oceans Day, the Ocean Conference designed an official program for discussion around creating policy that ultimately enhances the
conservation and sustainable use of oceans.
While the UN has the significant task of galvanizing nations, government agencies and NGOs, creating discussion and initiative at the community level is key to reducing ocean pollution. But getting people working to solve environmental issues can take some strategy, especially for one this vast. Rising marine temperatures, ocean acidification and a seemingly insurmountable ocean plastic problem are topics that can be intimidating and are largely out of sight, out of mind for the average consumer.
Who knew that when I joined TerraCycle, that I would end up adopting and protecting 16 acres of land. Let me start from the beginning…
I first joined TerraCycle in an attempt to recycle my beauty products, this included my makeup and bathroom product bottles. They offer programs that will collect certain kinds of trash and recycle them. They have free recycling programs, large scale recycling programs as well as zero waste boxes, which are not free.
There were about 28 free recycling programs when I first joined in 2015 and they now they have about 36 free recycling programs. The programs all have a different point reward system for how much trash you’re able to return to the program. They also offer a variety of contests and promotions for different programs at different times.
You can collect points and either receive a cash reward, collect point for a specific school or organization or donate the points to a good cause. The organizations can provide resources such as clean drinking water, provide a meals, adopt wildlife land, reduce two pounds of carbon from the atmosphere, provide education or even help disaster victims.
As for me, I donated my points to adopting 1,800 square feet of wildlife land and I wanted to know more about the program so I visited
National Wildlife Federation’s Adopt a Wildlife Acre Program.
World Oceans Day is June 8, an important time for environmental action, observation, and celebration. Coinciding with this year’s UN Ocean Conference, World Oceans Day is day for policymakers, activists and conscious consumers to take part in actions and discussions that can carry us forward The post TerraCycle’s 3 Ways to Celebrate World Oceans Day appeared first on Green Living Ideas. READ MORE
Finding solutions for the world’s plastic problem is an uphill battle. Manufacturers and consumers alike are now accustomed to products and packaging made lighter, less costly and more convenient by plastic, the iterations of which have only grown more complex. As it stands, we are manufacturing approximately
300 million tons of plastics across the world every year, and this number continues to grow.
Hillcrest Elementary School in the Somerset section of Franklin is competing to win a playground made from recycled oral care waste through the fourth annual Recycled Playground Challenge, courtesy of Colgate-Palmolive, ShopRite and recycling pioneer TerraCycle.Hillcrest Elementary School will earn one Playground Credit ...
Hillcrest Elementary School in the Somerset section of Franklin is competing to win a playground made from recycled oral care waste through the fourth annual Recycled Playground Challenge, courtesy of Colgate-Palmolive, ShopRite and recycling pioneer TerraCycle.
WILMINGTON – Cigarette smoking is a declining trend in the U.S., but cigarette butts remain a litter problem here and across the globe. The countywide Keep New Hanover Beautiful organization, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful Inc., recently partnered with city officials on a cigarette butt recycling program aimed at diverting some of this waste from local waterways and streets and the landfill.
Resíduos de difícil reciclagem são materiais descartados que não possuem cooperativa que realize sua reciclagem no estado de origem. São eles: materiais de escrita, como canetas, lápis, canetinhas, giz de cera; e materiais de higiene bucal, como escovas, tubos de pasta de dentes, além de esponjas de limpeza doméstica.
A Terracycle, multinacional que atua no ramo desse tipo de resíduo e que oferece recompensas financeiras de acordo com a quantidade de material coletado, trabalha junto aos fabricantes dos produtos (Faber Castell e Colgate).