5 Tips for Practicing Self-promotion Without Being Totally Annoying

A few years back, I attended a convention of entrepreneurs with a respected business journalist who was looking for interesting rags-to-riches stories. Word of his pursuit quickly got out among the attendees, however, and the journalist soon had a posse of people following him around, desperate to share their sagas.So, if you're worried you're doing the self-promotion thing wrong, take some advice. Here are the tips I’ve learned on how to sell yourself without turning people off.

5 Tips for Practicing Self-promotion Without Being Totally Annoying

A few years back, I attended a convention of entrepreneurs with a respected business journalist who was looking for interesting rags-to-riches stories. Word of his pursuit quickly got out among the attendees, however, and the journalist soon had a posse of people following him around, desperate to share their sagas. So, if you're worried you're doing the self-promotion thing wrong, take some advice. Here are the tips I’ve learned on how to sell yourself without turning people off.

MARKETING / SELF-PROMOTION 5 Tips for Practicing Self-promotion Without Being Totally Annoying

A few years back, I attended a convention of entrepreneurs with a respected business journalist who was looking for interesting rags-to-riches stories. Word of his pursuit quickly got out among the attendees, however, and the journalist soon had a posse of people following him around, desperate to share their sagas. So, if you're worried you're doing the self-promotion thing wrong, take some advice. Here are the tips I’ve learned on how to sell yourself without turning people off.

5 Tips for Practicing Self-promotion Without Being Totally Annoying

A few years back, I attended a convention of entrepreneurs with a respected business journalist who was looking for interesting rags-to-riches stories. Word of his pursuit quickly got out among the attendees, however, and the journalist soon had a posse of people following him around, desperate to share their sagas. So, if you're worried you're doing the self-promotion thing wrong, take some advice. Here are the tips I’ve learned on how to sell yourself without turning people off.

55 Chosen as Winners in Annual BIG Innovation Awards

Today, the Business Intelligence Group named 34 companies as leaders and winners of the 2018 BIG Innovation Awards. This annual business awards programrecognizes the organizations, products and people that are bringing new ideas to life. "More than just technology, innovation as a whole is changing the way we all experience the world and these winners are leading their markets," said Maria Jimenez, chief operating officer of the Business Intelligence Group. "We are thrilled to be honoring all of our winners as these are the organizations, products and people who are leading by example and making real progress on improving the daily lives of so many."

Why I Turned Down $1 Million From Investors

Financing tends to be at the top of the list of hurdles for entrepreneurs setting out to start their small business. But, when I started TerraCycle as a college freshman at Princeton University, our original business model of vermicomposting (converting garbage into worm poop fertilizer) came to me only after the Entrepreneurship Club’s annual Business Plan Competition caught my attention with a grand prize of $5,000. After placing fourth (just low enough to finish without prize money), we used the next year to scrape together the money to buy a worm gin and get started.



CODHEM beneficia a personas de la tercera edad

La Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México (CODHEM) diseñó la campaña “Mexiquenses en Favor del Medio Ambiente, Reciclando con Causa”, que busca la recolección de artículos de cuidado bucal y de jabones. Estos productos se envían a TerraCycle para reciclarlos y darles una nueva vida.

Cada envío otorga puntos intercambiables por dinero, el semestre pasado la CODHEM recibió casi 34 mil pesos gracias a su compromiso con la mejora del medio ambiente y con Eliminar la Idea de la Basura®.

La campaña se difunde a través de la página electrónica de la institución, y la invitación a participar en los programas de reciclaje se dirige a instituciones y público en general que tenga interés en darle una segunda vida a los residuos. El punto de acopio es el edificio sede de la CODHEM, como contenedores se utilizan cajas de cartón ilustradas con la imagen del programa correspondiente.

Con el donativo recibido, se comprarán sillas de ruedas, bastones y andaderas para beneficiar a personas de la tercera edad y personas con discapacidad de escasos recursos.

“(Es) muy grata la experiencia de ver el cambio que se produce en la actitud de las personas cuando se les sensibiliza sobre la importancia de la separación de desechos y como poco a poco se va creando una cultura de protección al medio ambiente desde nuestros propios hogares”, dijo Sheila Velázquez Londaiz, secretaria ejecutiva de la CODHEM.

Para Sheila es importante que la sociedad realice un esfuerzo en la conservación del medio ambiente para que las generaciones actuales y las futuras puedan disfrutar de un planeta sano.

 Acerca de

TerraCycle es una empresa que opera en 26 paíse alrededor del mundo. En México lleva 8 años bajo la misión de Eliminar la Idea de la Basura®. La labor consiste en un sistema de reciclaje nacional para residuos considerados anteriormente como “no reciclables” o “difíciles de reciclar”. Cualquiera puede inscribirse a estos programas para empezar a mandar sus residuos. Por cada empaque recolectado, TerraCycle proporciona un incentivo económico acumulable, los cuales son donados a organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Para participar simplemente hay que ingresar a www.terracycle.com.mx o llamar al 01 800 681 1589.