Colgate, TerraCycle expande o desafio anual de recreio reciclado

Em seu maior concurso, parceria anual com a ShopRite da Colgate . estudantes do leste dos EUA a chance de ganhar um playground em direção a a escola feito inteiramente de materiais reciclados. É a quinta edição do Recycled Playground Challenge cujo objetivo é ensinar aos alunos, professores e comunidades sobre a preservação de sorrisos saudáveis e um ar saudável.

Building codes should reflect San Francisco’s zero waste goals

Change can be good for San Francisco. The City’s green building codes are creating more energy efficient buildings, solar-ready roofs and electric-vehicle charging stations. But many residents of San Francisco’s high-rise apartments are still expected to sort and haul their trash to different locations in garages and basements. It’s inconvenient, confusing and sometimes impossible. Although almost all apartment buildings in The City compost, according to recycling provider Recology, San Franciscans generally have trouble finding the green bins. Last week, I had dinner with a friend who assured me she had to toss her leftovers in the garbage. Often, this means property managers have hidden the bins behind a locked door or left them unused and unloved in a random alley.

17 things you should never recycle — even if you think you can

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there's a good chance you're recycling wrong. It's not necessarily your fault, though. There are a ton of rules when it comes to what can and can't be recycled, and those little symbols on products don't always make it clearer. Because it's so complicated, people often end up falling short on recycling goals despite having the best intentions. To help you out, we've put together a list of 18 things you should absolutely never toss into your home recycling bin.

金华公益人士带动全民躬行环保 走出一条环保新路子

“地球表面71%是海洋,我们呼吸的氧气一半来自海洋浮游植物的光合作用。但如今,全球每年约有800万吨塑料垃圾流向海洋。这些垃圾进入海洋后会分解成塑料微粒进入动植物体内,最终进入人体。”麦地公益负责人说,为尽可能减少塑料垃圾,他们还于今年3月和泰瑞环保达成合作,计划在金华以一种创新的方式支持社区、鼓励消费者以行动支持垃圾零废弃,践行废物循环再造。   据了解,泰瑞环保正在运行口腔护理废品和洗发护发产品废品回收项目。通过回收废旧牙刷、牙膏皮,牙膏牙刷包装盒、牙线盒、漱口水瓶等做成塑料花盆,回收洗发护发产品空瓶制作成课桌椅捐赠给贫困小学,以减少塑料垃圾污染。   “我们想让更多人加入这个项目,也一直在和学校、公益组织等对接。”泰瑞环保项目拓展经理徐珮瑩告诉记者,泰瑞环保一直致力于让废品产生价值、创造更多可能,并始终专注难以回收废弃物,进行收集和重新规划。目前,已在20多个国家开展业务,参与者超6000万人,通过各项创新平台回收废品总计达数十亿件,并为世界各地的慈善机构筹得超1500万美金的善款。   麦地公益负责人表示,目前已考虑在慈善超市、学校、雷锋馆等地设点回收,也欢迎各企业、学校等单位积极申请设立该项目回收点,麦地公益将负责提供宣传和活动支持。有意向的市民届时可将家中用完的洗发护发产品及口腔护理产品废弃物清洗干净,保持干爽后送到附近回收点。后期回收处理的产品将在金华首家以环保为主题的慈善超市中进行展示。

Colgate, TerraCycle Expand Annual Recycled Playground Challenge

In their biggest contest yet, TerraCycleColgate and ShopRite’s annual partnership is offering students across the eastern US the chance to win a playground for their school made entirely of recycled materials. It is the fifth edition of the Recycled Playground Challenge, which aims to teach school students, teachers and communities about preserving healthy smiles and a healthy environment.


“地球表面71%是海洋,我们呼吸的氧气一半来自海洋浮游植物的光合作用。但如今,全球每年约有800万吨塑料垃圾流向海洋。这些垃圾进入海洋后会分解成塑料微粒进入动植物体内,最终有许多会进入人体。”麦地公益负责人说,为尽可能减少塑料垃圾,他们还于今年3月和泰瑞环保达成合作,计划在金华以一种创新方式支持社区、鼓励消费者以实际行动支持垃圾零废弃,实现废物循环再造。 据了解,泰瑞环保正在运行口腔护理废品和洗发护发产品废品回收项目:回收废旧牙刷、牙膏皮,牙膏牙刷包装盒、牙线盒、漱口水瓶等做成塑料花盆,回收洗发护发产品空瓶制作成课桌椅捐赠给贫困小学,以减少塑料垃圾污染。 “我们想让更多人加入这个项目,也一直和学校、公益组织对接。”泰瑞环保项目拓展经理徐珮瑩说,泰瑞环保一直致力于让废品产生价值、创造更多可能,并始终聚焦难以回收废弃物,进行收集和重新规划。目前,已在20多个国家开展业务,参与者超6000万人,通过各项创新平台回收废品总计达数十亿件,并为世界各地的慈善机构筹得超1500万美元善款。 在了解麦地公益多年扎根社区推广低碳环保生活方式后,泰瑞环保非常认同其理念,希望能在物资循环再利用方面给予帮助的同时,将环保回收理念渗透到金华各社区,让更多人了解资源再利用的好处,并亲身参与其中。