I Can Recycle — What?!?!

 If we all take the time to recycle it could save the planet and sustain the community for future generations. The US Environmental Protection Agency says that 75 percent of solid waste is recyclable, but only 30 percent of it is actually recycled. Some may not recycle, but frequently people throw away items they do not know are recyclable.

Companies Crowdfunding for Good

In the age of the internet, new technologies have provided us access to more information and more ways to connect than ever before. With the rise of social media and internet literacy emerged a new funding option for individuals and groups looking to raise money for the things they care about: crowdfunding.


在“建设美丽中国”的号召下,你是否还在迷茫?我们大学生可以做些什么呢?不用担心,泰瑞环保来啦!凡是废旧的衣物,牙具,洗漱用品均可以回收再利用!让他们焕发自己的第二春 上海海事大学青年志愿者管理中心与海科团委带领下的绿光志愿者服务社的回收活动正是为此而来,而且积极参加环保回收的同学们更是收获了我们手工栽培的多肉植物一份,为寝室增添一抹绿色与鲜活。环保就在你身边!

Eco-Friendly Gear for Earth Day

On April 22, shop green. Maybe this Earth Day you’re volunteering to clean your local park, or perhaps you’ll write your representatives about environmental protection. If your Earth Day activities include looking for ways to lessen your carbon footprint, consider the products you buy for swim, bike, and run. Thanks to these environmentally-friendly companies, there are plenty of options for gear you’ll feel good about.