Horse feed manufacturer reins in packaging waste with help from TerraCycle

Excel Equine Feeds, a horse feed manufacturer, has launched a new recycling program in partnership with TerraCycle. Saddled with large empty plastic bags of horse feed which are not recyclable curbside throughout Louisville, Excel Equine Feeds has partnered with TerraCycle to process the feed packaging and reward customers for participating in the program. To participate, Excel Equine Feeds asks customers to drop-off their empty bags at their Louisville store or to mail back their empty packaging for recycling after they receive a new shipment. The collected bags are then cleaned, shredded, melted and extruded into a pelletized format for use in recycled plastic applications like outdoor furniture and decking, shipping pallets or flooring tiles. "Horse owners not only want what's best for their animals, they also want to preserve the natural spaces where they and their horses can do what they love," said Tom Szaky, TerraCycle Founder and CEO. "Partnering with brands like Excel Equine Feeds ensures we can help limit plastic packaging in the landfill and preserve the outdoors for future generations of riders everywhere."

Scranton elementary school in first place in recycling contest to win school supplies

SCRANTON (WOLF) — A Scranton elementary school is competing to win $53,000 worth of school supplies-- and guess what? They're in first place right now! McNichols Plaza Elementary School is participating in the 2021 Colgate and Shoprite School Challenge. Schools from Pennsylvania and five other states are competing to win recycled plastic supplies. Colgate, ShopRite and TerraCycle are partnering for the contest. It all comes down to online votes- and the number of oral care items recycled until June 30. It's also to help the millions of children in the United States living in poverty- who can't afford school supplies. “Even during a pandemic, our school community continues to support our students. Colgate, TerraCycle, and Shoprite have been so good to us over the last two years. Their contests support what is most important, our students,” principal Mina Ardestani said in a statement. “We greatly appreciate these organizations for supporting schools and appreciate our community that continues to support us in these contests! Virtually or six feet apart, we are still coming together.” "We're really excited to see that they're in the lead and I feel like they definitely deserve it because they've really made an impact in terms of participation in the recycling program over the years," TerraCycle's Maame Mensah said. The top three schools at the end of the contest win prizes. To vote- click here.

It's time to lose weight on the plastics diet

Tips and advice for shedding those plastic pounds this World Oceans Day What’s left is the hard-to-recycle stuff. Terracycle is a godsend for the guilty. I could fill this entire screen by listing all the awkward plastics that Terracycle recycles - around 50 in total, many of them featuring in my own eco crimes list: biscuit/cake/crisp wrappers, contact lens packaging, toys, food pouches, toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, cosmetics, pens, disposable gloves, coffee pods, Pringles packets

World Environment Day: What is wish-cycling?

Plastic pollution, waste reduction and the importance of protecting the environment are big topics at the moment and lots of us have been making a more conscious effort to recycle the items we use.

Tubes for crisps are made of mixed materials and so these can't be recycled without being separated first, which can be tricky. Crisp packets also can't be recycled at home.

However, a company called Terracycle recycles crisp packets into plastic pellets to make into new products. If you do have crisp packets, you can save them up and take them to your nearest drop off point.