6 Ways Schools Can Strive for Zero Waste

Recycle, recycle, recycle — Recycling is one of the easiest things a school can do to go zero waste; place bins for in common spaces to increase access. TerraCycle has teamed up with PepsiCo Recycling to help teachers and administrators encourage collection of cans and bottles. Separately, TerraCycle offers programs for common school items that are not typically recycled, such as pens, pencils and art supplies.

From 600 Young Global Leaders, 5 actions to create a sustainable future for all

The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders (YGLs) and its Alumni community committed to promising targets during their 15th Annual Summit held in San Francisco on 15-18 October 2018. The 616 YGLs from more than 85 countries around the world participated in wide-ranging discussions where ideas, innovations and trends to co-create a sustainable future for all were shared.

Winston-Salem State University (NC) Wins a Community Garden Through the Garnier and DoSomething Rinse, Recycle, Repeat Beauty & Personal Care Recycling Competition

Garnier, a leading naturally-inspired skincare and haircare brand, announced that Winston-Salem State University received a Garnier Green Garden made from recycled beauty and personal care products for the Winston-Salem community. University student Miranda Legg was named the winner of Garnier national Rinse, Recycle, Repeat campaign, created in partnership with TerraCycle, the world’s leader in the collection and repurposing of hard-to-recycle post-consumer waste, and DoSomething.org, the largest tech comcid:image001.png@01D46F8B.CF6929E0pany exclusively for young people and social change.