Sustainable retrofits

According to the United States Energy Information Administration, a staggering 92 percent of all lit buildings in the U.S. have standard fluorescent lighting. There’s a good reason for the disproportionate use of fluorescent lighting throughout the non-residential sector — it works.  Fluorescent lights provide a variety of visible light spectrum options and are inexpensive.  Additionally, fluorescent lamps were the most energy-efficient choice in the past. For businesses and facilities that had to consider the budgetary impact of utility costs, fluorescent lamps had long been the best choice for keeping electrical cost under control.

A study in schools

To see the impact of fluorescent versus LED lamps, let’s look at a school district outside of San Antonio, Texas. The district has a total population of about 68,000 students and 13,500 faculty and staff spread over seven high schools, 14 middle schools and 46 elementary schools. To power the lighting in a large school district is an expensive proposition. If the district used incandescent lighting, the costs could be estimated at a staggering US$90 million or more. But by using fluorescent lighting, the approximate costs are a much more manageable US$30 million per year. But what if they could save even more money? Technology has finally brought a viable, money-saving option for large-scale lighting customers. The light emitting diode (LED) has existed for decades, but only recently it became financially viable for widespread use. LED technology has substantially fallen in price over the last decade and design options have increased — paving the way for facilities to switch out fluorescent lamps. The first and most attractive benefit to LED lighting is energy efficiency. Looking at the standard 32-watt fluorescent bulbs the school district uses, it is possible to swap out these lamps for an LED replacement that gives off the same amount of light (measured in lumens) while operating at 13 watts. Immediately, the district can slash their lighting costs by more than half. Next, consider that a fluorescent bulb may last 8,000 hours. An LED equivalent is rated to last 25,000 hours, or three times as long. Although the fluorescent lamp would only cost roughly US$1.83 retail compared to the LED equivalent, costing around US $5.00, the operational lifetime of the LED is more than three times as long. Longer operating life means lower cost of maintenance. If custodial and maintenance staff need to change lamps a third as often as they currently do, there is a direct operational savings. Plus there is the added benefit of freeing up manpower to focus on other responsibilities. In the most rudimentary retrofit program — simply switching out fluorescent lamps for more efficient LED lamps — substantial savings can be obtained. To take this even further, companies that specialize in lighting and energy efficiency can perform large-scale energy audits and design a complete overhaul of the lighting systems in a complex environment like a school district. An efficiency specialist can analyze the technical capabilities of a facility and determine if the retrofit program should focus on lamps, fixtures, controls or a mixture of all the lighting components to achieve the desired outcome. A clear example of energy savings through an LED retrofit is a medical center near Wichita, Kansas. By switching out fluorescent lamps for high-performance LEDs, the hospital took the annual electrical usage of 1,712,550 kilowatt-hours down to 495,278 kilowatt-hours. Obviously, the electricity cost savings will pay for the initial investment in the LED lamps, but it is also important to note that changing over to LED lighting will have a noticeable impact on the hospital’s ability to remain compliant with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Advantages of EPA compliance

Fluorescent lamps are considered universal waste by the EPA because they contain mercury. As a universal waste, spent fluorescent lamps must properly and safely stored until disposal can be facilitated. The EPA has strict rules regarding the handling of fluorescent lamp waste, and storage can be a hassle. A hospital, college or any other non-residential facility is obligated to maintain spent lamp storage, prevent accidental breakage of spent lamps and coordinate disposal with a certified hazardous waste handler. Eliminating fluorescent lighting from a facility or campus can free up storage space and lessen the amount of manpower spent on waste compliance. Furthermore, when a lighting and efficiency specialist performs a retrofit, they can use drum-top bulb crushers to compact the fluorescent bulbs in an environmentally sound way. Bulb crushers attach to a steel drum for collection of compacted bulbs. Using a four-stage activated carbon filtration system to lock in the mercury, the system has HEPA filtration to protect the air. By compacting, a contractor can lock and neutralize the mercury from as many as 1,350 fluorescent lamps in a single, steel drum. This helps prevent accidental contamination of a facility from lamp breakage and can be beneficial in OSHA-compliance, as well. Of course, this also cuts transportation cost for the waste and protects the environment, not to mention drastically reduces the project footprint.

Combining technologies

There are several energy-saving technologies that can help facilities dramatically cut their utility costs. Replacing older fluorescent lighting with LED systems means facilities can take advantage of the higher flexibility of LED lamps. An energy efficiency specialist can integrate the retrofit fixtures and lamps with occupancy sensors, allowing lights in unused areas to power-down when not needed. Lighting engineers can also utilize the relatively new science of daylight harvesting, which is the science of managing the natural light available indoors. Bringing the sun’s broad spectrum of light into an interior space not only saves electricity, but has been scientifically proven to improve mental focus and productivity. On a recent retrofit project at a Fortune 500 company in Fort Collins, Colorado, an energy efficiency specialist removed 16,500 fluorescent lamps. The lamps varied in age, but there was an average of about six milligrams of mercury in each lamp. A quarter-pound of mercury captured may not seem like very much, but according to the provincial government of Prince Edward Island, 500 milligrams of mercury (the amount in of mercury in a household thermometer) will contaminate enough water to fill 200 Olympic swimming pools. By using a drum-top bulb crusher on the project, a quarter-pound of mercury was safely reclaimed. If accidentally released, that would be enough mercury to poison all the water used by the entire state of Utah on any given day. The environmental impact doesn’t end there. In the case of the Fort Collins retrofit project, reducing the energy consumption by 2.4 million kilowatt-hours a year reduces the mercury emissions related to burning coal by about 56 grams. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, burning coal for electric generation releases sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides and particulates (soot) that include lead and heavy metals into the air. The LED conversion prevented 1,787 metric tons of COgreenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere. By converting to LED lighting and high-efficiency lighting controls, the customer in Fort Collins is making a measurable difference in their community’s air quality and overall environmental health.

Up-front investments

Change can be expensive; there is no denying this fact. To perform a major retrofit, there will have to be an up-front investment. Fortunately, there is great support for facilities that are interested in making such a change. Utility companies and several other entities are offering incentives for facilities that are making the switch to high-performance LED lighting. In the case of the Texas school district, grants and incentives of more than US$300,000 helped fund the project. An experienced retrofit partner or energy provider will be able to help facility management find all appropriate grants, incentives and discount programs to make the initial investment more affordable. It is also important to note the price of the project is often recouped within three-to-five years. The energy savings alone is usually enough to justify the cost of the retrofit. Whether a facility is looking to gain accreditation for energy efficiency or environmental impact reduction, or the organization is simply looking for a way to make a long-term cost reduction, a lighting retrofit program may be the answer.

50 Things to Toss Out on Old Stuff Day

There are plenty of items you’ve planned to get rid of over the winter months. Use Old Stuff Day as an excuse to try out these decluttering hacks.

Nylons need to be cleaned before getting recycled because it melts at a lower temperature. That lower temperature means bacteria can survive. Timbuk2 will send you a coupon if you choose to recycle your bag from them. Just send your bag to them and once they get a pallet full of bags, they send them to TerraCycle for recycling. Bureo takes old nylon fishing nets and makes them into skateboards and sunglasses. Use those nylons to clean around the house.  

More Than 190,000 to Benefit from World Sight Day Challenge

Participants in Optometry Giving Sight’s 2018 World Sight Day Challenge form a giant “floater.”
GOLDEN, Colo.—Optometry Giving Sight reported that its 2018 World Sight Day Challenge drew widespread support from over 160 companies and over 360 optometry practices around the world. Their collective efforts raised over $970,000, enough to deliver eye exams and glasses to over 190,000 people in need of eyecare, the organization said. “Every World Sight Day Challenge, we’re blown away by the generosity and loyalty of our supporters. We’re thankful for each one: from the large companies generously donating to the small practices passionately fundraising,” said Optometry Giving Sight’s global director of development, Leigh Cleave. “It only takes $5 to provide an eye exam and a pair of glasses to a child or adult in need, so we meant it when we say ‘every little bit counts.’” The World Sight Day Challenge encourages the optometric community to donate and raise funds toward much-needed sustainable eyecare projects overseas.
Companies, practices, optometry doctors and students joined together to hold bake sales, auctions, guessing competitions, talent shows, running events and walkathons, getting patients, employees and customers involved. Longstanding Optometry Giving Sight supporter and Global Gold Sponsor CooperVision, had a record-breaking year raising over $260,000 through their remarkable employee fund-raising campaign.Over 40 global CooperVision sites and teams participated with employee contributions up by more than 35 percent year-over-year, supported by a matching commitment from the company. 2018 took CooperVision’s cumulative World Sight Day Challenge donations over the $1 million mark.
This World Sight Day Challenge ad from WestGroupe calls attention to the importance of vision.
“Our record-breaking 2018 World Sight Day Challenge donation represents approximately 52,000 eye exams for people around the world who could otherwise be at risk of a range of vision challenges,” said CooperVision president, Dan McBride. Vision Source, another generous and long-standing partner, celebrated their 12th year participating in the World Sight Day Challenge. Over $220,000 was donated by Vision Source members and doctors, vendors, staff, family members and friends as part of their annual commitment to Optometry Giving Sight. “I never cease to be amazed by the selfless generosity of the Vision Source family; we are proud to partners with Optometry Giving Sight as Vision Source’s international charity of choice,” said Vision Source president and chief executive officer, Jim Greenwood. In Canada, WestGroupe launched social media campaign #WithoutMySight, inspired by their Challenge Champion Hani a former Syrian refugee who is legally blind. The challenging initiative encouraged participants to complete an everyday task blindfolded. The University of Montreal was the highest fund-raising optometry school raising over $7,000 through several events including a silent auction and a 5@10 social night. Bausch + Lomb Australia added an extra dose of sustainability to their support, donating $1 for every kilogram of contact lens waste sent to TerraCycle. The recycling program aims to divert contact lenses and blister packs from landfill, turning plastic components into recycled materials.

World Sight Day Challenge results

Supporters of Optometry Giving Sight got their creative juices flowing for the 2018 World Sight Day Challenge to raise enough funds to deliver eye exams and glasses to over 190,000 people in need of eye care. Over 160 companies and over 360 optometry practices around the world took part in the challenge raising over US$970,000! “Every World Sight Day Challenge, we’re blown away by the generosity and loyalty of our supporters. We’re thankful for each one: from the large companies generously donating to the small practices passionately fundraising,” said Optometry Giving Sight’s Global Director of Development, Leigh Cleave. “It only takes $5 to provide an eye exam and a pair of glasses to a child or adult in need, so we meant it when we say ‘every little bit counts’.” The World Sight Day Challenge encourages the optometric community to donate and fundraise towards much-needed sustainable eye care projects overseas. Companies, practices, optometry doctors and students joined together to hold bake sales, auctions, guessing competitions, talent shows, running events and walkathons, getting patients, employees and customers involved. Longstanding Optometry Giving Sight supporter and Global Gold Sponsor CooperVision, had a record-breaking year raising over $260,000 through their remarkable employee fundraising campaign. Over 40 global CooperVision sites and teams participated with employee contributions up by more than 35 percent year-over-year, supported by a matching commitment from the company. 2018 took CooperVision’s cumulative World Sight Day Challenge donations over the $1 million mark. “Our record-breaking 2018 World Sight Day Challenge donation represents approximately 52,000 eye exams for people around the world who could otherwise be at risk of a range of vision challenges,” said CooperVision President, Dan McBride. Vision Source®, another generous and long-standing partner, celebrated their 12th year participating in the World Sight Day Challenge. Over $220,000 was donated by Vision Source members and doctors, vendors, staff, family members and friends as part of their annual commitment to Optometry Giving Sight. “I never cease to be amazed by the selfless generosity of the Vision Source family; we are proud to partners with Optometry Giving Sight as Vision Source’s international charity of choice,” said Vision Source President and Chief Executive Officer, Jim Greenwood. In Canada, Westgroupe launched social media campaign #WithoutMySight, inspired by their Challenge Champion Hani a former Syrian refugee who is legally blind. The challenging initiative encouraged participants to complete an everyday task blindfolded. The University of Montreal was the highest fundraising optometry school raising over $7000 through several events including a silent auction and a 5@10 social night. Bausch + Lomb Australia added an extra dose of sustainability to their support, donating $1 for every kilogram of contact lens waste sent to TerraCycle. The recycling program aims to divert contact lenses and blister packs from landfill, turning plastic components into recycled materials. Optometry Giving Sight would like to thank everyone who participated in World Sight Day Challenge 2018!

No online shopping company can figure out how to quit this one plastic bag

In 2018, the healthy meal-kit service Sun Basket swapped out their recycled plastic box-liner material for Sealed Air TempGuard, a liner made of recycled paper sandwiched between two sheets of kraft paper. Fully curbside recyclable, even when wet, it allowed Sun Basket to reduce its box size by about 25 percent and reduce the carbon footprint of shipping, not to mention reduce the amount of plastic in their shipment. Customers were pleased. “Kudos to your packaging folks for coming up with this concept,” one couple wrote in.

It was an admirable move toward sustainability, but the truth remains: The meal-kit industry is one of many e-commerce sectors that still rely on (a frankly astonishing amount of) plastic packaging — way more pieces than you would ever bring home from the grocery store. Normally, you might purchase one glass bottle of cumin that would last you for a few years. But in a meal kit, each teaspoon of spice and each dollop of adobo sauce comes in its own piece of plastic packaging, and this pile of plastic is repeated every single night you cook up one of their pre-packaged recipes. It’s impossible to miss.

Sun Basket, despite its earnest attempts to improve its environmental footprint, still has to ship perishable food products in plastic bags. “Proteins, such as meat and fish, come to us already packed from outside vendors, who use a layered combination of polystyrene and polypropylene,” Sean Timberlake, senior content marketing manager at Sun Basket, told me via email. “This is industry standard material designed to ensure maximum food quality and safety.”

A Nepali volunteer ties up recycled plastic bags to make a sculpture shaped like the Dead Sea. These bags are the same kind of plastic found in polybags.

This reliance on plastic is not unique to shipping food. E-commerce retailers can easily offer up cardboard boxes with recycled content, FSC-certified tissue paper, and soy-based inks, which can all be stuffed in the recycling bin. They can tie reusable cloth ribbons or twine onto their goodies and pack their glass or metal containers in mushroom-based packing foam and starch packing peanuts that melt in water. But there’s one thing that continues to bedevil even the most sustainably minded brands: low-density, polyethylene, #4 virgin plastic film bags, known in the industry as polybags.

I’m talking about the clear ziplock or branded plastic bags that all your online orders come in, from meal kits to fashion and all the little components for toys and electronics. Although they are made from the exact same material as plastic grocery shopping bags, polybags used in shipping haven’t yet come under the same widespread public scrutiny, nor have they been subject to bans or taxes. But they are definitely a problem.

The impossibility of plastic-free and zero-waste shipping

An estimated 165 billion packages were shipped in the US in 2017, and many of them had polybags inside, protecting the garments or electronic components or buffalo steaks. Or the packages themselves were branded poly shipping bags, with poly dust bags of clothing inside. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that US residents use more than 380 billion plastic bags and wraps yearly.

This wouldn’t be such a crisis if we actually took care of our waste, but a lot of this plastic — 8 million tons a year — goes into the ocean, where researchers aren’t sure when, or even if, it will truly biodegrade. More likely it will just break into smaller and smaller toxic bits, which (despite being microscopic) are getting harder and harder for us to ignore. In December, researchers discovered that 100 percent of baby sea turtles have plastic in their stomachs. Microplastics have been found in tap water around the world, the majority of sea salt, and — on the other side of the equation — human poop.

Polybags are technically recyclable (and so are not, for example, on Nestlé’s “Negative List” of materials they plan to phase out of their packaging) and many states now mandate that grocery and convenience stores provide a bin for customers to return used plastic bags. But in the US, nothing gets recycled unless there is a business willing to purchase the recyclable material. Virgin plastic bags are so cheap, at 1 cent per bag, that old (often contaminated) ones are rumored to be worthless; they just get trashed. And that was before China stopped accepting our recyclables in 2018.

The burgeoning zero-waste movement is one response to this crisis. Adherents strive to send nothing to the landfill by reducing their purchases; recycling and composting everything they can; using and carrying reusable containers and utensils with them wherever they go; and patronizing businesses that provide package-free options. When one of these conscious consumers orders something from a supposedly sustainable brand and receives it in a polybag, it can be deeply frustrating.

”Just received an order from you and the items were wrapped in plastic bags,” a commenter responded to Everlane’s Instagram post promoting its “No New Plastic” guides.

In a 2017 survey by Packaging Digest and the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, packaging professionals and brand owners said that the questions they were most asked by consumers were a) why their packaging isn’t sustainable, and b) why they have too much packaging.

Which is sort of the same thing.

Would you like a bag with that?

From my conversations with brands large and small, I gleaned that most overseas consumer product factories — and all garment factories — from tiny sewing workshops to giant 6,000-person factories, ship finished products in plastic polybags of their choosing. Because if they don’t, the goods wouldn’t make it to you in the condition that you require.

”What consumers don’t see is the flow of the garments through the supply chain,” says Dana Davis, VP of sustainability, product & business strategy at the fashion brand Mara Hoffman. Mara Hoffman garments are manufactured in the US, Peru, India, and China. “When they are finished, they need to go to a trucker, to a loading dock, to another trucker, a shipping container, and then to a trucker. There is no way around using something that is water repellent. The last thing that somebody wants to receive is a shipment of clothing that is damaged and becomes waste.”

So, if you don’t receive a polybag with your purchase, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t there before, just that someone probably took it off before your goods got to you.

Even Patagonia, a company that is famously vocal about environmental issues and has been selling clothing made from recycled plastic bottles since 1993, currently ships its garments individually wrapped in polybags. Elissa Foster, Patagonia’s senior manager of product responsibility, has been diligently working on this problem since before 2014, when she published the results of Patagonia’s case study around polybags. (Spoiler alert: They’re necessary.)

“We’re a pretty big company, and we have a complicated conveyor belt system at our distribution center in Reno,” she says. “It’s literally a rollercoaster ride for the product. They go up, they go down, they go flat, and they do three-foot drops. We have to have something that protects the product.”

Polybags truly are the best at this job. They are lightweight, effective, and cheap. Plus (and you may find this surprising) in life-cycle analyses that measure environmental impacts over the entire life of a product, plastic bags have lower greenhouse gas emissions than paper bags. But when you’re looking at what happens when your packaging lands in the ocean — dead whales, asphyxiated sea turtles — well, plastic can seem pretty evil.

What can an eco-friendly brand do?

This last consideration for the ocean is the most important for United by Blue, an outdoor apparel and camping brand that promises to remove one pound of trash from oceans and waterways for each product sold. “It’s industry standard to ship everything with polybags for quality control and reduce contamination, but it’s terrible for the environment,” says Ethan Peck, United by Blue’s PR associate. They handle this inconvenient truth by switching their e-commerce orders from the factory-standard polybags to 100 percent recycled content kraft envelopes and boxes printed with eco-friendly, VOC-free ink before they ship to customers.

When United by Blue had their own distribution center in Philadelphia, they sent the used polybags to the catch-all mail-in recycling service TerraCycle. But when they moved distribution to a professional third-party logistics service in Missouri, the distribution center didn’t follow their instructions and customers started receiving polybags in their packages. United by Blue had to issue an apology and hire additional hands to oversee the shipment process.

Now, with the glut of used polybags in the US, the waste management service that handles the fulfillment center’s recycling is warehousing polybags until they can find someone who wants to buy them.

Patagonia’s own stores and wholesale partners take the product out of the polybags, stuff the polybags into shipping cartons, and ship them back to their Nevada distribution center, where they are pressed into four-feet cubed bales and shipped to the Nevada location of Trex, which turns them into recycled decking and outdoor furniture. (It seems that Trex is the only US businessthat actually wants these things.)

But what about when you take a polybag off your order? “The direct-to-customer, that is the challenge,” Foster says. “That is the piece where we don’t know exactly what happens.”

Ideally, customers would take used e-commerce bags, along with their bread bags and grocery bags, to their local grocery store, which often has a collection point for them. In practice, they often try to stuff them in their plastic recycling bin, which gunks up the machinery at the recycling plant.

Rental brands, which have a loop of clothing going out to customers and back again, like ThredUpFor Days, and Happily Ever Borrowed, use reusable cloth packaging from a company like Returnity Innovations. But getting customers to volunteer to ship empty used packaging back for proper disposal has proved nearly impossible.

For all the above reasons, Davis, Mara Hoffman’s sustainability VP, looked into compostable bags made of plant material when Hoffman decided to turn her whole fashion collection sustainable four years ago. A top challenge was the fact that most of Mara Hoffman’s business is in wholesale, and large retailers are notoriously picky about the packaging that items arrive in. If brand products arrive in packaging that doesn’t follow the retailer’s exact rules on labeling and size — which vary from retailer to retailer — the brand will be charged a fee.

The Mara Hoffman office volunteered at a New York City composting center so they could identify any problems at the outset. “When you are working with a compostable bag, you also have to think about all the components that go onto the bag: the ink — you have to print the suffocation warnings in three languages — it needs a sticker or tape. The challenges of finding a compostable glue were crazy!” She saw in the community composting center that the fresh, beautiful dirt is filled with fruit stickers. “Imagine a big brand slapping stickers on them, and this composted dirt is full of these stickers.”

For Mara Hoffman’s swimwear line, she found compostable bags with a zip closure from an Israeli company called TIPA. The composting center verified the bags are actually backyard compostable, meaning if you put it in a compost pile, it will disappear in less than 180 days. But the minimum order was too high, so she sent out an email to every single person she knew in the industry (including me) asking if they knew any brands that would be interested in going in with them on an order. With the help of the CFDA, a few other brands onboarded the bags. Stella McCartney announced in 2017 that they were also switching to compostable bags by TIPA.

The bags, which have a shelf life of a year, are double the price of plastic polybags. “Cost has never been the thing that has stopped us from moving forward. When we made this shift [to sustainability] we knew we would be taking the hit on our end,” Davis says.

If you ask consumers, half of them will tell you that they will pay more for sustainable products, and half of them will also tell you they check product packaging before purchase to ensure the brand is committed to a positive social and environmental impact. Whether that is in fact true in practice is debatable. In that same sustainable packaging survey I mentioned before, respondents said they just can’t get consumers to pay a premium price for sustainable packaging.

It took a year of research for the team at Seed, a microbiome science company that sells a combined probiotic and prebiotic, to find a sustainable bag for sending monthly refills out to customers. “Bacteria are incredibly sensitive — to light, heat, oxygen ... even trace amounts of moisture can be degrading,” co-founder Ara Katz told me by email. They finally chose a shiny home-compostable oxygen- and moisture-protection pouch by the company Elevate, made from bio-based raw materials, housed inside a non-GMO US-grown cornstarch-foam padded mailer by Green Cell Foam. “We pay a premium for packaging, but we’re willing to make that sacrifice,” she says. She’s hoping that other brands can pick up the packaging they pioneered. Happy customers have mentioned Seed’s sustainability to other consumer brands like Warby Parker and Madewell, who have contacted Seed to learn more.

Patagonia looked at bio-based or compostable bags, but their main issue was the tendency for customers and employees alike to put compostable plastic-like products in with the regular plastic recycling. “By keeping all our bags the same, we’re not contaminating our waste stream,” Foster says. She points out that “oxo” packaging products, which claim to be biodegradable, just break down into smaller and smaller pieces in the environment. “We would not want to support those types of degradable bags.”

So, they decided on plastic polybags made with recycled content. “The way our system works is you have to scan a tag that has a barcode through the bag. So we had to work hard to identify a 100 percent recycled content bag that is clear.” (The more recycled content a bag has, the milkier it can be.) “We’ve tested all the bags, making sure they don’t have some weird content that would cause some discoloration on the product, or tear.” She says the price isn’t too much higher. They had to ask their 80-plus factories — all of which produce for multiple brands — to specially order these polybags just for them.

Starting with their Spring 2019 line, which hits stores and the website February 1, all the polybags will have somewhere from 20 percent to 50 percent certified post-consumer recycled content. Next year, they will be 100 percent post-consumer recycled content.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a solution for food companies. The FDA prohibits plastic food packaging with recycled content unless a company gets special permission.

The entire outdoor apparel industry, which serves customers especially attuned to plastic waste, has been experimenting with various approaches. There are water-soluble bags, sugar-cane bags, reusable mesh bags, and prAna even ships bag-free by rolling its apparel and tying it with raffia paper ribbon. It’s notable, however, that none of these individual experiments have been taken up by several companies, so there’s been no silver bullet found yet.

Linda Mai Phung, a long-time French-Vietnamese sustainable fashion designer, has a unique overview of all the challenges inherent in eco-friendly packaging. She co-founded an ethical streetwear/cycling label Super Vision and works out of an office above a small ethical denim factory in Ho Chi Minh that her co-founder, Marian von Rappard, owns, called Evolution3. The team at Evolution3 also acts as a middleman for mass-market brands looking to put in orders to Ho Chi Minh factories. In short, she’s involved in the entire process from beginning to end.

Linda Mai Phung with her cassava starch polybag.
 Linda Mai Phung

She was so keen on using sustainable packaging that she put in an order for 10,000 (the minimum) biodegradable shipping bags made of cassava starch from Wave, a fellow Vietnamese company. Von Rappard talked to the mass-market brands Evolution3 works with, trying to convince them to go in on the order with them, but they declined. The cassava bags are 11 cents per bag, where a normal polybag is only a penny.

“What the big brands told us … is that they really needed the [pull-off closure] tape,” Phung says. Apparently, the extra steps to fold the bag and pull the biodegradable sticker from a sheet and put it on top to close the bag add up to a lot of time lost when you’re talking about thousands of pieces. And the bag is not even fully sealed, so moisture could potentially get in. When Phung asked Wave to develop a closure tape, they said they couldn’t retrofit their manufacturing machine.

Phung knows they’ll never use up the 10,000 Wave bags they ordered — the bags have a three-year shelf life. “We asked how we could keep them longer,” she says. “And they said, ‘You can wrap them in plastic.’”

PLANET VENTURA | Butts to Butts: Ventura bench made of discarded cigarettes

The City of Ventura and the Surfrider Foundation have unveiled a truly unique project utilizing thousands of cigarette butts collected from local beaches.
The bench, installed near the Ventura Pier, looks no different from an ordinary bench, but its makeup is entirely different. Rather than the typical metal and wood, the bench consists of recycled cigarette butts discarded on Ventura beaches. The Surfrider Foundation says that since installation of 76 ashcans throughout the city, 250,000 butts have been sent to TerraCycle, a recycling facility that transforms the butts into plastic pellets which then can be made into various products.

Nestlé, Unilever e PepsiCo apostam em embalagens retornáveis

Algumas das maiores empresas de consumo do mundo estão abrindo espaço para a reutilização de materiais. Isso ficou claro com o projeto lançado no Fórum Econômico Mundial em Davos, chamado “Loop”, que tem como propósito oferecer produtos em embalagens reutilizáveis para diminuir o uso de plástico e ajudar na preservação do meio ambiente, informou Emily Chasan, para Bloomberg.