Bic recycle les stylos usagés en France

Bic récoltera des crayons billes sans distinction de genres ou de marques. Une invitation spéciale à participer à cette campagne est lancée aux compagnies, aux institutions d'enseignement ainsi qu'aux universités afin qu'elles recueillent ces crayons devenus inutilisables. Deux centimes d'euros parviendront à des organismes sans but lucratif que les institutions participant à cette collecte identifieront préalablement.


USF Purchasing has partnered with Terracycle, a company that provides an innovative way of recycling. Terracycle's concept of "upcycling" turns hard-to-recycle waste into eco-friendly products. USF's participation will be to collect used writing instruments in any condition, which will be submitted to Terracycle. In turn, Terracycle will donate 2¢ for every writing instrument collected to Meals on Wheels of San Francisco.

Garnier Partners with TerraCycle to Recycle Packaging from All Brands

L'Oreal's Garnier brand has swung into action to recycle packaging from all personal care and beauty products, which it says accounts for one third of all landfill waste. A recently unveiled program, called the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade, is a national (and soon-to-be international) program that will collect all hair care, skin care and cosmetic packaging, regardless of brand. This packaging will be upcycled or recycled by TerraCycle into eco-friendly playgrounds as well as other consumer products. The program coincides with the launch of Garnier's new Pure Clean line to emphasize the brand's sustainability efforts. TerraCycle specializes in making consumer products from post-consumer materials. By signing up for the Brigade (www.terracycle.net), individuals or groups can collect packaging and ship it to TerraCycle free of charge.

Being green without changing your routine

To help, one company is offering consumers a way to reduce their household garbage while earning money for local schools or charities. Through free collection programs called Brigades, upcycling pioneer TerraCycle is collecting and paying for packaging waste from household staples- from the bathroom to the kitchen to the classroom. Many major brands are getting on board with upcycling. Scott Tissue and Huggies are sponsoring programs to collect plastic packaging waste from paper products and diapers. And since most oral hygiene products aren't recyclable, Colgate and TerraCycle have partnered to collect used toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes.

Bic passe au vert et recycle l'écriture

La marque bien connue des stylos Bic, a décidé de passer au vert et de recycler en favorisant les consommateurs à faire une démarche éco-responsable... En effet, c'est en s'associant avec la société TerraCycle que la firme a décidé de lancer une importante collecte de stylos usagés, de tous types et de toutes marques confondues et ce, dans toute la France ! Une fois récoltés, ces matériaux d'écriture, seront recyclés et transformés pour être vendus puis permettre ainsi de récolter des fonds à reverser à diverses associations. Chacun à son niveau peut participer à cette collecte écolo qui va permettre de sensibiliser un très grand nombre de français, au respect de l'environnement et à l'importance du recyclage.