Pasadena stores get into the eco spirit for May

To commemorate Earth Day this weekend, Old Navy and Office Depot location in Pasadena have partnered with TerraCycle The Old Navy and Office Depot locations in the Pasadena area have teamed up with my company, TerraCycle to provide local consumers a chance to recycle starting Friday and lasting through May 21. Shopper can drop of their used pens and flip-flops to Pasadena Office Depot and Old Navy locations which will then be recycled by TerraCycle into playgrounds to be donated to communities around the U.S. Between April 17-23, ten used pens, markers or mechanical pencils to Office Depot will earn shoppers a coupon towards new Sanford products (Sharpie, Expo, PaperMate). Used writing instruments will be sent to TerraCycle will recycle the used writing utensils into new office products like trash cans and desk organizers.

Ayudar.. tan simple como no tirar algo a la basura

El título hace referencia a una idea que estamos llevando a cabo con mi curso -6to año naturales del colegio Inmaculada Concepción, de Córdoba capital. Nos registramos en una Brigada Tang la cual es un proyecto de reutilización de basura llevado a cabo en conjunto por la marca Tang y Terracycle (Empresa con la misión de crear sistemas de reciclaje para los materiales que hasta ahora no son reciclables.) Consiste en juntar sobres de bebida en polvo de cualquier marca y luego enviarlos a Terracycle por correo (los envíos los costea Tang) y se donan 10 centavos por cada sobre enviado a una organización sin fines de lucro o escuela, nosotros elegimos al Refugio Revivir. El refugio Revivir está situado en Villa Allende, alrededor de 150 perros viven ahí en condiciones medianamente precarias, ya que un grupo de personas se encarga pero les faltan recursos económicos para costear todo lo necesario como alimento, medicamentos, etc. También estamos juntando tapitas plásticas de gaseosas y desodorantes para llevarlos al Hospital Infantil (de Córdoba) y los beneficiados sonn los niños que asisten al Hospital Infantil y acceden a: • Medicamentos y leches especiales, movilidad y estudios extra hospitalarios. • Juegos y libros para las ludotecas de las salas de espera de hospital. • Proyecto Factor a+ (Adolescencia Positiva): capacitaciones para mejorar la calidad de vida de adolescentes con patologías crónicas. • Nueva tecnología médica. Invito a la gente de córdoba capital que junte tapitas para el Hospital Infantil y que si son consumidores de jugos en polvo y quieren prenderse para ayudar al refugio, que junten muchos sobres (50 o más) y que se contacten conmigo así yo o alguien de mi curso los pasa a buscar. Bueno este post es para hacerles saber (porque hay mucha gente que no sabe) que se puede ayudar aún sin tener recursos económicos y encima se colabora con el cuidado del medio ambiente . Perdón a los de las demás provincias, pero aún así espero incentivarlos a que investiguen porque seguro encuentran algo. Campaña "Todas las tapitas tienen premio": http://papelsolidario.org.ar/?page_id="95 + Info sobre Terracycle: http://www.terracycle.com.ar

Bic et Terracycle lancent le recyclage de crayons

BIC, numéro un mondial du stylo à bille, s’associe avec TerraCycle, entreprise pionnière en matière de collecte et de réutilisation de déchets non recyclables, pour organiser sur les lieux mêmes de consommation (écoles, entreprises, universités…) des collectes volontaires d’instruments d’écriture pour les recycler.

Business can be good by being 'green'

For example, Solo Cup recently launched a new recycling program for its Solo Squared Cups.  Solo has a manufacturing facility in Twin Falls, with 100 people on payroll. Solo joined forces with one of the fastest-growing companies in the world: TerraCycle.  Founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, then a 20-year-old Princeton University freshman, TerraCycle began by producing organic fertilizer, packaging liquid worm poop in used soda bottles. It has engaged over 14 million people to collect waste in 11 countries. Some of those recycled goods are then turned into other products.

Old Navy, Office Depot Collecting Old Flip-Flops, Pens For Recycling

  Today, April 22, is Earth Day! And if you’re wondering how you can contribute to our planet’s conservation, gather your junk and take it to Old Navy or Office Depot. Until tomorrow, people can take their unwanted pens, markers and mechanical pencils of any brand to Office Depot. TerraCycle, a recycling company, will then use them to make office supplies like organizers and trash cans. Meanwhile, until May 21, people can take their unwanted flip-flops to Old Navy. TerraCycle will mix, melt and extrude the footwear into plastic boards. The boards then will be used as structural pieces in playgrounds which will be donated to communities across the country.

DEXTER: Students take charge of Earth Day with day-long celebration

Hill's students, who are part of an elective "Go Green" classroom also broadcasted newscasts and gave presentations about ways to help keep the environment healthy - an ongoing theme in many corners of the Dexter school district. "All of our schools recycle and celebrate Earth Day every day," Hill said. "My classes have been recycling for years. This year we added plastic containers and Capri Sun containers. We belong to the TerraCycle program." Hill's students have also conducted clean-up efforts at various district school grounds removing and recycling plastic, paper, cardboard and aluminum cans wherever they could be found. The students have also installed bins to recycle fruit and vegetable refuse and collected 400 coats, mittens and hats for families in need.