Copos apresentam mensagem de sustentabilidade e promovem a consciência do consumidor para reciclagem

No Brasil, a PepsiCo também há muito tempo tem dedicado esforços para tratar os resíduos. Em 2009, a empresa assinou acordo com a TerraCycle, empresa especializada na transformação de resíduos em bolsas, estojos e lancheiras. Além disso, a companhia também produziu mais de 20 mil displays reciclados de BOPP em 2010 para os pontos de venda. Para 2011 a meta é conquistar esse mesmo número de displays BOPP. Soma-se a isso a preocupação em conscientizar consumidores a reciclar, bem como informar as cooperativas de catadores de lixo. Para tanto, foram lançadas ainda em 2010 as Brigadas PepsiCo, que têm o objetivo de engajar os consumidores no processo de reciclagem de resíduos.

Your Trash is Westford Schools' Treasure

Have you heard about Upcycle It!?  Sustainable Westford's innovative program collects non-recyclables such as chip bags, granola bar wrappers, cookie wrappers and more to keep them out of the waste stream. These items are sent to a company called TerraCycle. TerraCycle donates two cents per item and pays for shipping.  These items are then upcycled into new products such as backpacks, tote bags, and flower pots.

Baltimore's Six Flags Discounts

Polly-O Six Flags Discount Tickets for Recycling! - POLLY-O and TerraCycle, Inc. have partnered with Six Flags for a summer recycling drive at Six Flags parks across the United States. Visitors are encouraged to participate by bringing their specially marked POLLY-O String Cheese and Twists packaging to the park entrance to receive a discount, Baltimore/DC Six Flags America, 5/15 through 8/31 www.sixflags.com.

Encontro BSB Sustentável

Contribua também com a coleta seletiva , junte esses resíduos sólidos e traga-os no dia do encontro: * Embalagens ( objetivo: contribuir com a Equipe Vallereciclar participante do Programa Terracycle) - chocolate (qualquer marca); - salgadinho (pepsico) -Tang - de produtos congelados e margarina (Perdigão) - de papel * sacola plástica, de verdura, sacos de fralda, de papel higiênico, de jornal, de revista.(objetivo: contribuir com a artesã Margareth) Te aguardamos.

In the Navy

  The Flip Flop Replay is a partnership between TerraCycle and Old Navy. By depositing your used flip flops in these eye-catching colorful collection bins found inside any Old Navy store now through Saturday, May 21st, you will be diverting them from ending up in the landfill.  TerraCycle will then recycle the flip-flops into playgrounds, which will be donated to communities around the country.  TerraCycle, which was started in 2001 by Tom Szaky, a 20-year-old Princeton University freshman (think Face Book genre) because he identified a niche need: getting rid of stuff that seemingly didn’t have anywhere to go. TerraCycle’s mission is to eliminate waste, period. Zero waste. It can be done, but there is a lot of groundwork that has to be done first, enter you the consumer.

Belle Aire Earth Week activities include Trash for Cash collection

The Belle Aire PTA decided last fall to collect items to send to Terracycle, a national company that makes new green consumer products out of post-consumer materials, such as backpacks created from drink pouches. Terracycle takes in some 100 materials that would normally get thrown in the trash, and Belle Aire formed brigades to collect four of those items: juice pouches, diaper wrappings, food storage containers such as re-sealable sandwich bags, and tape dispenser rolls.

Introduce Earth talks TerraCycle

TerraCycle, another green innovator, is on pace to redefine much of America’s relationship with trash. The company that began with its signature Plant Food-made from worm poop, packaged in empty Pepsi bottles and sold at the likes of Home Depot and Wal-Mart-has evolved into an innovation powerhouse that continually introduces new products made entirely from waste. Take the E-Water Trash Cans and Recycling Bins available at OfficeMax for $10.99 each and made from crushed computers and fax machines (that would otherwise end up in a landfill). Or the rain barrels and composters made from Kendall-Jackson oak wine barrels that sell for $99 each at Sam’s Club. They’re both prime examples of a company that sees opportunity where others see garbage. In so doing, TerraCycle helps us make attractive choices that are mindful of the planet and our wallets.