El Ayuntamiento firma un convenio con Terracycle para la recogida de material de oficina

El concejal de Medio Ambiente, Marcelo Isoldi, ha explicado que con la suscripción de este nuevo convenio, “no sólo se gestionarán de una manera más eficaz este tipo de residuos, sino que serán donados dos céntimos a asociaciones sin animo de lucro por cada elemento de escritura recogido, o bien se destinarán a material de oficina o escolar.”

TerraCycle in Onderwijsblad

Schrijfwarenfabrikant BIC werkt samen met het bedrijf TerraCycle, dat zich bezighoudt met het recyclen van ‘moeilijk afval’. Oude pennen en stiften vallen in die moeilijke categorie, maar het lukt toch om er weer nieuwe producten van te maken, zoals gieters, afvalemmers en zitmeubels. Bewaren dus al die oude pennen, maakt niet uit van welk merk. Ze brengen twee cent per gram op(dus €100 voor 5 kilo oude pennen). Het geld kan via TerraCycle naar een goed doel, maar ook naar de school zelf. www.terracycle.nl

Le Petit Marseillais & TerraCycle lancent la Brigade des Recharges de Savon Liquide

Après voir initié un programme de collecte des packagings des produits de la marque Garnier, aux Etats-Unis, TerraCycle lance un nouveau partenariat similaire avec Le Petit Marseillais. L’objectif, collecter auprès des consommateurs les recharges de savon liquide vides et les recycler en produits d’usage courant, à travers la Brigade des Recharges de Savon Liquide.

Le Petit Marseillais & TerraCycle lancent la Brigade des Recharges de savon liquide

Après voir initié un programme de collecte des packagings des produits de la marque Garnier, aux Etats-Unis, TerraCycle lance un nouveau partenariat similaire avec Le Petit Marseillais. L’objectif, collecter auprès des consommateurs les recharges de savon liquide vides et les recycler en produits d’usage courant, à travers la Brigade des Recharges de Savon Liquide.

Le Petit Marseillais collecte ses recharges de savon liquide

Après voir initié un programme de collecte des packagings des produits de la marque Garnier, aux Etats-Unis, TerraCycle lance un nouveau partenariat similaire avec Le Petit Marseillais. L'objectif, collecter auprès des consommateurs les recharges de savon liquide vides et les recycler en produits d'usage courant, à travers la Brigade des Recharges de Savon Liquide.

Le Petit Marseillais & TerraCycle lancent la Brigade des Recharges de Savon Liquide Lire la suite sur Le Petit Marseillais & TerraCycle lancent la Brigade des Recharges de Savon Liquide - par Carocahors http://www.hellocoton.fr/le-petit-marseillais-terracycle-lancent-la-brigade-des-recharges-de-savon-liquide-7048290#ixzz2KDIr89DR http://www.hellocoton.fr

Après voir initié un programme de collecte des packagings des produits de la marque Garnier, aux Etats-Unis, TerraCycle lance un nouveau partenariat similaire avec Le Petit Marseillais.

The Role of Profit in a Social Business

TerraCycle is a social business, which means that we focus on the so-called triple bottom line: planet, people and profits. For us, this has meant creating a business model that involves capturing nonrecyclable waste — like chip bags or diaper packaging — before it goes to a landfill or incinerator and finding a way to recycle, upcycle or reuse it. Basically, we’re giving garbage a second life by creating a system for otherwise nonrecyclable waste to be recycled. Through sponsorship from more than 50 brand partners (L’Oréal, Kimberly-Clark) we are able to offer free shipping and a small donation (typically 2 cents per piece of waste received) to a school or organization of the collector’s choice. Today, we engage more than 35 million people in collecting this waste in 22 countries around the world. While our sales have grown every year for the past nine years — we finished 2012 with slightly less than $15 million in revenue — we just became profitable in 2011. We earned a small profit in 2012 as well. In my letter to the company, I wrote that our goal is to eliminate the very idea of waste: “This is a lofty goal that I believe is best executed via a for-profit platform. But I would like to underline that we do not exist for the sole purpose of profit.” Instead, I explained, profit is a tool we use to help us accomplish our purpose. But it can get complicated, and much depends on how a company is structured and financed. One challenge of trying to balance profits with a socially minded business can be the law. Perhaps the best example is the sale of Ben & Jerry’s to Unilever. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield started the company in a renovated gas station in South Burlington, Vt. They were fair to their employees and their cows, they cared about the environment, and they used the business as a vehicle to raise awareness about social and environmental issues.

Smokers might be saving their butts for cash

Earlier this year, New Mexico-based Santa Fe Natural Co., a subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc., the nation's second-largest cigarette maker, and TerraCycle Inc. announced a partnership to recycle cigarette butts into pellets used to make such items as park benches, shipping pallets and railroad ties. The Cigarette Waste Brigade asks people to save and collect their butts, sending them to the recycling company through a prepaid shipping label. For every pound of cigarette waste sent to Trenton, N.J.-based TerraCycle, the sender will receive 100 TerraCycle points, which can be redeemed for a variety of charitable gifts, or for a payment of 1 cent per point to the charity of their choice, according to TerraCycle's website. The company plans to recycle the filters into pellets used to make a number of items, including ashtrays. The paper and tobacco also will be composted. It took nearly two years to develop the process to recycle the butts, made of paper, tobacco, ash and a filter from cellulose acetate, the company said. "This is one of the most exciting developments in TerraCycle's history," said Tom Szaky, TerraCycle's founder, in a statement when the program was launched. "As a company committed to recycling waste streams that others deem worthless or unsavory, cigarette waste will help to promote our belief that everything can and should be recycled." Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky is sponsoring the bill on the Senate side. "This should really be done at a higher level than the state level," DenDekker said about the recycling program. "But nobody in the federal government would even consider talking about a topic like this until some municipality somewhere institutes a pilot program that works, creates jobs and saves government money."

Wait, You Can Recycle That?

Cigarette waste can be found on most roadways and is very common in public places such as the beach or park. We have become immune to seeing cigarette butts on the ground and most people probably haven’t thought about recycling as an option for them. A new partnership with TerraCycle now makes recycling cigarette waste an option. TerraCycle collects discarded cigarettes that people mail to them through their Cigarette Waste Brigade and turns the filters into industrial products such as shipping pallets and plastic lumber. Some may question the safety of the products produced with recycled cigarette filters. There is no need to worry. To be on the safe side, TerraCycle never uses recycled cigarette filters in any consumer products that might come into contact with food or other consumables. All filters find their way into new industrial products. TerraCycle’s goal is to reduce the amount of cigarette waste we see every day. Recycling this material will make a significant impact when it comes to reducing waste. By creating new products, such as pallets, from cigarette filters reduces both the amount of waste in landfills and the quantity of virgin materials needed to make new products.