TerraCycle launches packaging recycling solution in Australia

APC signatories Colgate and Natures Organics are on board for the TerraCycle Australia launch. TerraCycle will be helping to recycle previously unrecyclable or recyclable, but with lost value, post-consumer products and packaging through recycling programs called brigades. In some cases collectors can earn points to raise money for their local school or favourite charity and cause.

Recycling von Zahnpflegeprodukten

Ab sofort können Sie 1. leere Zahncremetuben, 2. alte Zahnbürsten und 3. Zahnseidedöschen aller Marken sowie 4. deren Umverpackungen aus Plastik in der Zahnarztpraxis am Marktplatz zum Entsorgen abgeben. Mit Unterstützung der Firma TERRACYCLE® werden aus den recyclierten Zahnpflegeprodukten z.B. neue Mülleimer, Stiftehalter und Giesskannen hergestellt. Zudem wird der Erlös jeweils einer in der Schweiz anerkannten gemeinnützigen Organisation ausbezahlt. Damit unterstützen Sie Umweltschutz und soziales Engagement in einem! Helfen Sie uns also mit, möglichst viele Zahnpflegeprodukte zu recyclieren!

Now you can recycle “unrecyclable” packaging waste

Man, I love a new recycling scheme! Remember how excited I got over the soft-plastic recycling bins at Coles? Well, hold onto your hats! There’s a new scheme in town!! So you’ve got your empty bottle of cleaning product or hand wash. You unscrew the bottle and put it in the recycling bin, right? But what to do with the pump or trigger? To think this over, you head to the kitchen for a coffee and end up gazing at the empty Nespresso pod in your hand. Non-recyclable, right? In a haze of eco-guilt, you stumble into the bathroom, only to discover your toothpaste and floss are empty and your toothbrush worn through. STOP! Don’t chuck all those non-recyclable items into the bin! Send them to TerraCycle to be upcycled or recycled into new products!!

Extension Cord: Reduce your waste with upcycling, recycling

Another way to reduce your waste is through Terracycle. Terracycle is an international recycling and upcycling company that will collect items that are normally hard to recycle. For example, packaging and products such as empty make-up containers, cheese and dairy packaging, cleaner packaging, drink pouches as well as cell phones, iPods and MP3 players, inkjet and toner cartridges, laptop computers and E-readers