School leading the UK in coffee recycle competition
Recyclingprogramm an burgenländischer Volksschule Maria Bild
Leere Zahnpastatuben, alte Zahnbürsten, leere
Zahnseidedöschen - für die Kinder der Volksschule Maria Bild sind diese
Abfälle noch wertvoll. Seit alle Schüler und Lehrer an dem neuen
Recyclingprogramm für Zahnpflegeprodukte aus Plastik teilnehmen, ist die ganze Schule im Sammelfieber. Über das von der Zahnpflegemarke Colgate und dem Umweltunternehmen TerraCycle ins Leben gerufene Programm können sie ihre alten Zahnbürsten und Co. nicht nur recyceln, sondern erhalten auch für jedes Zahnpflegeprodukt 2 Cent, die die Schule für einen gemeinnützigen Zweck ihrer Wahl spenden kann.
Australians can now TerraCycle
TerraCycle has been called the “Google of garbage” by the New York Times and “the coolest little start-up in America” by Inc. Magazine.
The City of Sydney’s Green Villages thinks these are pretty shrewd comparisons, considering the current in-demand job for change makers is in technology start-ups.
Coffee discs for choppers
Earth Day Tips from TerraCycle and Entenmann’s (+ Giveaway)
Not sure what to do with your Little Bites pouches? Now you can recycle them with the TerraCycle Brigade programs and sign up your school if it is not already participating. Check out what other lunch items TerraCycle recycles.
Entenmann’s Little Bites Make A Big Difference! {Review & Giveaway!}
The Entenmann’s Little Bites “Recycle… Reuse… Replenish” Fully Recyclable Lunch Earth Day campaign teaches kids the importance of reducing waste while earning money for their schools by redeeming Little Bites pouches for cash and points with recycling partner TerraCycle® through the Entenmann’s Little Bites Pouch Brigade®.
New Products From Cascadian Farm Organic
Don't forget- Thanks to our partnership with TerraCycle®, Cascadian Farm foil-lined granola bar wrappers are now recyclable!
Ronnow Elementary, Wolff Elementary, Adams All-Stars Elementary, Tarr Elementary, Thompson Elementary and Stuckey Elementary schools in Las Vegas participated in a nationwide recycling effort that recycled 200 million Capri Sun drink pouches. The schools collected drink pouches through TerraCycle’s Drink Pouch Brigade to help the environment and earn money for their schools.
Earth Day activity at Central Manor focuses on recycling
Teacher Lorien Gilbert started the recycling program last year after learning about TerraCycle, a company that transforms glue sticks, pens and other materials not usually considered recyclable into new products.