St. Lawrence Elementary School students earn money and prizes for their school by collecting and recycling the drink pouches used at home and in the lunchroom.
Tout au long de l'année, le conseil municipal enfant met en place des actions aussi diverses que variées. La plus récente a été présentée mardi lors de la dernière réunion avant les grandes vacances. Elle met en avant le recyclage des crayons. La commission « Environnement et cadre de vie » travaille sur ce projet depuis plusieurs semaines déjà.
Mardi, à la salle Marianne, le conseil municipal enfants (CME), s'est réuni en séance plénière. C'était l'occasion pour chaque commission de faire le bilan de leurs actions durant l'année scolaire.
Au parc des Berges à Lyon, une grande collecte de déchets sera organisée en partenariat avec la société Terracycle à l’occasion de la première édition du Festival Solidaire.
Green technologies and innovations are changing the way people interact with both the world and the people we share it with. While we still may not have solar powered hoverboards like Marty McFly, the exponential rate at which our technology has been adnancin is truly astonishing.
Upcycling has been increasingly popular since the early 2000s. From artwork made with packaging waste to practical household objects made from secondhand materials, crafty individuals around the world have been transforming garbage and other waste items into useful products for years.
Believe it or not, there are a variety of ways to transform your garden into an even more “green” space. By choosing the right products, attracting the right critters, and growing your plants and flowers using the most eco-friendly practices, you can turn your yard into a veritable Garden of Eden
If you are a parent, you know how quickly your kids can go through their toys. Once a toy breaks, or when a new toy craze hits the market, it’s out with the old and in with the new. Considering Americans buy more than
$18 billion worth of toys annually, you’re not alone.
As individuals, businesses, and communities, we do not have to wait for the City Council to act to make Portsmouth more sustainable. In addition to reusing shopping bags, recycling, or composting, consider up-cycling unwanted products to make them anew again.